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4th of July “Flag” Cake

4th of July Flag Cake
4th of July Flag Cake







4th of July Flag Cake

The fourth of July is coming up fast.  My Grandfather was a real live nephew of Uncle Sam, born on the 4th of July.  Every year he would have a huge birthday party, and was very pleased that the whole country celebrated his birthday.

I’ll posting a few ideas for the holiday.  The first is this simple “flag” cake, with all the food and BBQ’s on this holiday, a big dessert is not necessary.  A plain cake with easy decoration should suffice.

Simply make your favorite cake in a 9 X13 cake pan.

9 X 13 Cake
9 X 13 Cake








For this recipe I used a simple butter cream icing and less than a pint of cut strawberries.

Butter Cream Icing

  1. 1 cup butter
  2. 4 cups confectioners sugar
  3. 1 tbs vanilla
  4. 5 tbs heavy cream

In a mixer with the paddle blade cream the butter, then slowly add the sugar, finally add the vanilla and about ½ the cream. see how the consistency of the icing is.  If you want it thinner add the remaining cream.

Take a few tablespoons of the icing in a separate bowl and add blue food coloring.


blue icing
blue icing








In a small pastry bag with a small star tip put a few tbs of white icing.

Decorate the top left corner with the blue icing.and cover the rest in the white.  Take the sliced strawberries and layer them across as red stripes.  Finally take the pastry bag and create the stars.

There you have it a simple “Patriotic” dessert.


Stars and Stripes
Stars and Stripes








Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Ateco 14-Piece Cake Decorating Set
USA Pans 9 x 13 Inch Aluminized Steel Rectangular Cake Pan with Americoat
Wilton 13 Inch Angled Spatula With Black Handle



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