Ham and Coca-Cola and Orange Gravy

Baked Ham & Coca - Cola and Orange Gravy
Baked Ham & Coca-Cola and Orange Gravy









 Ham and Coca-Cola and Orange Gravy

 Ham was on sale at the grocer’s so we bought one.  Honey baked has always been a holiday favorite so I thought some sort of sweet glaze and gravy to go with it.  So I came up with the following recipe, baked ham & coca-cola and orange gravy.  It’s sweet, goes great with the ham and is easy to assemble.  The ham called for being baked about 20 minutes per pound and it was 7 pounds so the entire process baked for about 2 hours 20 minutes at 325° so this worked well for the gravy.  I used a large cast iron fry pan to bake the ham in and it works well, it holds the heat and shortens the time to make the gravy.

 Directions for  Ham and Coca -Cola and Orange Gravy

In a large cast iron fry pan, place the ham and score the rind in a diamond pattern.

Score the ham
Score the ham







Coca -Cola and Orange baste & gravy


  1. ¾ cup Orange juice
  2. ½ cup brown sugar
  3. ¼ maple syrup
  4. 12 oz. Coca -Cola
  5. Pinch of salt & pepper
  6. 3 Tbs butter melted
  7. 3 Tbs flour

Combine all the ingredients, except the butter and flour, in a pot and bring up to a boil, stirring constantly to keep the sugar from burning.  Keep a close eye on pot as it may boil over as it nears boiling temperature, if it appears about to do that, remove from heat for a moment.  Continue to cook on a slow boil and reduce sauce by about ½.

Once reduced allow to cool and then pour over the ham.  Place the ham in the preheated oven and bake according to package directions.  Baste the ham every 10 -15 minutes until done.

When done remove the ham to a cutting board and cover with foil.  The sauce in the pan should be now reduced to about 1 cup, if it appears to be less add a little more orange juice.

Place the pan with the juice onto the stove top burner and turn to high.  Mix the flour with the melted butter stirring until you have a smooth paste roux.  Spoon the roux into the sauce and whisk until it thickens.  Strain through fine mesh sieve and serve on the side.


Baked Ham with Coca - Cola & Orange Gravy
Baked Ham with Coca – Cola & Orange Gravy








Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Lodge Logic L17SK3 Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Skillet, 17-inch
All-Clad Stainless 2-Quart Saucepan
Zwilling J.A. Henckels Twin Four Star 10-Inch High Carbon Stainless-Steel Carving Knife



The Official                       Taste Tester
The Official              Taste Tester







Don’t I just love to “HAM” it up ! Another 5 paw recipe






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Ham and Coca-Cola and Orange Gravy
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