Baked Stuffed Zucchini
This is another of my “use whatever you’ve got” type of recipes. The opportunities to substitute different items are endless. For this recipe I use two zucchini which will serve four as a vegetable side dish.
Ingredients for Baked Stuffed Zucchini
- 2 Zucchini cut in half lengthwise, pith carefully scooped out
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 4-6 Tbs finely diced onion (approximate)
- 1 tsp dried tarragon
- 2 tsp dried parsley
- salt & pepper to taste
- 4-6 Tbs finely diced aged Cheddar Cheese
- Panko bread crumbs
- 2 Tbs butter (more if needed)
- 1 -2 tsp pepper flakes (Optional)
- 1 Tbs Olive oil
Directions for Baked Stuffed Zucchini
Cut the zucchini in half lengthwise and with a melon baller or scoop, carefully scoop out the interior pith of the zucchini being sure not to rupture the sides or bottom.
Chop the scooped out zucchini pith into a very fine dice and with the 2 Tbs’s of butter saute with the onion, garlic,tarragon, parsley ,pepper flakes and salt and pepper until the onions are softened. If the mixture looks too dry add more butter, the mixture should look very moist.
Once the onion, zucchini mixture is softened ,empty into a bowl to cool, add the cheddar and stir to combine. Add enough panko to lightly bind the mixture, it should still be slightly loose and moist. Carefully spoon the mixture back into the zucchini shells. Put into an oven proof dish and just before baking sprinkle a little Panko over the top and drizzle lightly with Olive oil. Bake for about 45 minutes in a 350° oven.
Here are a few items to help with this recipe:
Le Creuset Heritage Stoneware 1-Quart Oval Au Gratin Dish, Cherry
Cuisinart DLC-2ABC Mini-Prep Plus Food Processor, Brushed Chrome

Oh well another of those vegetable things, not exactly my cup of tea, so I will put rule #1 into force “No tasty no ratey”. However I did hear raves from the table so I guess it could possibly rate 5 paws, but I would have added a touch of beef!
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