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Beef Hash

Beef Hash with Egg, Tomato, and Artichoke Hearts
Beef Hash with Egg, Tomato, and Artichoke Hearts







Beef Hash

Cooking for two has become a new learning experience, as the quantity of product I put out in the kitchen seems to go so much farther  then when I was I was cooking for 4.   A roast beef now lasts a week instead of just two meals, so it becomes necessary to find more ways to serve up a dinner.  Of course the obvious method would be to buy smaller cuts of meat or less produce, but what fun would that be?

So with an abundance of beef leftover what to do?  One nights version was a beef hash.  Taking a small amount of leftover beef and running it through the food mincer on the Kitchenaid.  To this I added a small white onion diced and one clove of garlic diced, and a can of diced potatoes. Mixed thoroughly and place in a large enough frying pan and cooked with butter, turning occasionally until potatoes and onions are done.

In a separate pan with a little butter place the artichoke hearts  in a single layer flat side up and salt and pepper and cook to heat, then turn flat side down reseason and cook on medium heat till done and slightly browned .

Once hash is cooked, in a separate pan cook the eggs to you liking.  Add hash to plate surround with artichoke hearts and sliced tomato and place the egg on top.  Can be served with your choice of condiment such as left over gravy or ketchup.

beef hash
beef hash








Here are few items to help with this recipe
KitchenAid FGA Food Grinder Attachment for Stand Mixers
Joie de Vivre 50162 Mini Fry Egg Pan with Nonstick Surface
Cuisinart 622-20 Chef’s Classic Nonstick Hard-Anodized 8-Inch Open Skillet
Cuisinart 622-30G Chef’s Classic Nonstick Hard-Anodized 12-Inch Skillet with Glass Cover


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