Teriyaki Glazed Pork Loin


Pork Loin with Grilled Pineapple
Teryaki Glazed Pork Loin  and Grilled Pineapple


Teriyaki Glazed Pork Loin

I been off-line for quite a while, and I’ll be getting back rather slowly with a few recipes when I can.  This came about as an idea I had for chops and they came out so good I thought I’d try it on a pork loin.

This isn’t a quick recipe, it does take a few days to prepare but the results are well worth it.

First step is to brine the loin.  Brining in a salt solution gets more water into the meat which then helps leave more moisture in the meat as it cooks, resulting in a moister finished product.

Brine Solution

A good rule of thumb is 1/4 cup of salt to a quart of water. I like to add a little flavoring to the mixture.

  1. not quite 1/4 cup table salt
  2. 2 tbsp garlic salt
  3. 2 Tbsp lawry’s seasoning salt
  4. 1 qt. water

 Put the salts in a bowl large enough to cover the loin with water add the water whisk briskly until all salts are dissolved add the loin and refrigerate for 24 hours.  This brine works quite well with chops also.

Over the last few years we have had a friend who is slowly building her own pineapple plantation.  She sent one home to me so I had to think what to do.  Upside down cake was first choice but I really don’t need all those extra calories so I thought of a way to incorporate it into a main course. “Hawaiian Pork Loin” was my answer a little marinade to a brined pork loin and cooked on the grill.


Pork Loin “Hawaiian Marinade”

You could call it oriental marinade but since I’m serving the loin with grilled pineapple I’ll just call it Hawaiian.

  1. 1/2 cup soy sauce
  2. 2 Tbsp minced onion
  3. 2 tsp powdered ginger
  4. 2 Tbsp L&P Worcestershire sauce

You can do this in a bowl, but I find with smaller cuts of meat a gallon zip lock plastic bag works quite well.  Put the ingredients and the meat into the bag, seal, put onto a plate ( just in case bag leaks) and refrigerate for 24 to 72 hours.  If you’re doing chops, don’t marinate more than 24-36 hours.  Turn the bag a couple of times a day to ensure that both sides get an even marinating.

When you are ready to cook take the meat out of the bag and scrape off the little bits of onion as they will tend to burn and leave a bitter taste.

To cook I used our BBQ grill.  I set the heat on high to bring it up to temp and then turn one side off.  On medium high heat I sear the top or slightly fatty side  for about 15 minutes, then place the meat on the other side of the grill and cooked under indirect heat for about 45 minutes, you can of course cook it in the oven ,it comes out just fine that way.

About 8- 10 minutes before the loin is done put the fresh pineapple slices (cut very thick) on the grill turn after 4-5 minutes and lightly baste the loin and the slices of pineapple with a Teriyaki glaze.  Once cooked remove from the grill and let it rest for about 5-10 minutes before slicing.  Just before you slice baste again with the glaze and let it set up, then slice.

Serve with extra glaze on the side. 


grilled Hawaiian pork loin
grilled Hawaiian pork loin


Let rest then slice
Let rest then slice












Teriyaki Glaze

Years ago I worked in a restaurant that had a Teriyaki steak as one of the specialties and they finished it with a thick glaze that every one loved.  This is a simple version that works well with all kinds of meat.

Made in small quantities it’s a rough 2 to 1 ratio of brown sugar to soy sauce.

  1. 1/4 cup soy sauce
  2. 1/2 cup dark brown sugar

Put into a small sauce pan and under medium heat warm until the sugar is completely dissolved. , then take off heat and allow to cool slightly until you have a thick syrupy glaze.  Brush generously over the meat or what ever  you are glazing.


Here are a few items that may help make this recipe:
Dyna-Glo Black & Stainless Premium Grills, 2 Burner, Liquid Propane Gas
Ironwood Gourmet Acacia Wood Large End Grain Prep Station
Zwilling J.A. Henckels Zwilling Four Star 2-Piece Carving Set


The Official Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester








Aloha, I don’t care what you call it, just keep it coming, a real 5 paw effort and about time!  I was beginning to think I was out of a job!







Shirred Egg and Bacon Nest

Shirred Egg and Bacon Nest
Shirred Egg and Bacon Nest










Shirred Egg and Bacon Nest

This is a nice egg dish for a Sunday brunch, or any meal for that matter.  To make it truly elegant, serve with a quick blender Hollandaise sauce  http://www.rantsravesandrecipes.com/category/sauces-and-gravies/bernaise ,  or sprinkle grated cheddar over the top melt and serve with a Dijon mustard.  In this recipe I used a simple cheddar cheese sauce.

A shirred egg is simply an egg baked, but it does sound so  much more complex so call it what you will.  The simple “trick” to this recipe is to have slices of bacon that are a uniform width at both ends so they produce a nice stand up basket for the eggs.  For the toast rounds a cookie cutter 2 1/4 inches in diameter is needed.  I didn’t have one, but I found a small juice glass of the proper diameter which worked just fine.  The side benefit of this recipe is that you end up with a number of slices of bread with a big circle missing from the center, perfect for making Eggs in a Frame. 

Ingredients for Shirred Egg and Bacon Nest

For this recipe the quantities are simple one piece of bread for one egg and one slice of bacon.  A serving should be two or three depending on how hungry you are.  For this example serving two eggs each for two people, the quantities are times four = 2 eggs per person x 2.  Like wise the recipe here for the sauce will serve 4 – 6 “Nests” if your making more simply multiple the recipe.

  1. 4 whole eggs
  2. 4 slices of bacon uniform in width
  3. 4 toast rounds 2 1/4″ in diameter
  4. salt and pepper

For the cheddar cheese sauce:

  1. 2 Tbsp butter
  2. 4 Tbsp minced Onion
  3. 1 clove garlic finely diced
  4. 2 Tbsp all purpose flour
  5. 1 cup milk cold
  6. 1/4 – 1/2 cup diced  or grated cheddar cheese
  7. Salt and pepper to taste
  8. Finely chopped parlsey or chives for garnish (optional)



Directions for Shirred Egg and Bacon Baskets

In a frying pan* lay the bacon slices out and with medium heat cook until about 1/2 done and not crispy, turn and cook the other side, until most of the bacon fat is rendered.  Remove the slices to a paper towel to drain (they should still be pliable and not crisp).

Preheat oven to 375°

Cut a 2 1/4 inch round circle out of the center of four slices of bread.  Place into a toaster oven and toast to a light brown.

Using a cup cake pan spray four of the cups with cooking spray or lightly butter completely.

Line the sides of each of the four cups with a slice of bacon.  Place one toasted bread round in the bottom of each cup. Break and egg into the center of each cup and sprinkle the top lightly with salt and pepper.

Place into the center of the oven and bake for 10 – 13 minutes until the whites are set and the yolks still runny.

Once cooked remove the pan from the oven and carefully with a fork or small spatula remove each nest from the muffin tin to the plates.  Serve with sauce lightly poured over the top and extra sauce on the side.  Garish with the parsley or chives.

Cheddar Cheese Sauce:

 While the eggs are cooking prepare the sauce.  In a small sauce pan melt the butter on medium heat.  Once melted add the onion and garlic and cook for a few minutes until the onions are softened.  Add the flour and stir until all the flour is combined.  Bring the heat up to medium high and add the milk, and stirring constantly cook until the sauce begins to thicken.  Remove from the burner and slowly add the cheese a little at a time whisking each addition until it is melted ( if it doesn’t melt readily the sauce is not hot enough return it to a medium heat and add the cheese).  Once all the cheese is melted taste and adjust seasoning.

Serve with cottage fires sprinkled with a little Parmesan cheese and garnished with thinly sliced scallions.

* If your making a larger number of nests you can lay the bacon out on a sheet pan and cook in the oven, just don’t let it get crispy.


Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
OvenArt Silicone Bakeware – Muffin Pan / Cupcake Pan – 12 Cup Muffin Tin – 100% BPA-Free – Nonstick, Easy to Clean Muffin Tray
Cuisinart 719-16 Chef’s Classic Stainless 1-1/2-Quart Saucepan with Cover
Good Cook Set Of 3 Non-Stick Cookie Sheet


The Official Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester








Bacon, Eggs, Creamy Cheddar Cheese Sauce – I think I’d even get up early for that!!           5 paws for sure!








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Merry Christmas






The Official Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester


 OK well I’m in the dog house, seeing as I did get up on my tippy toes and managed to pull this interestingly smelling red and white thing off the tree.  It did smell pepperminty but didn’t taste so good, but I did growl at dad when he took it away from me.  Merry Christmas to all, and I’ll be dreaming of Roast Beef not sugar plums!











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