Ice Box Cake

Ice Box Cake
Ice Box Cake








Ice Box Cake

Ice Box cakes have been around since, well since there have been ice boxes.  A few of my very old  cook books have recipes for them.   The Nabisco “Famous” chocolate wafers have been around since the 1920’s and I’m not sure when this recipe was first invented but it has certainly been my favorite for years.  There are certain must’s for this recipe, you need to use NABISCO “Famous” chocolate wafers and “real” homemade whipped cream, and it needs to be made well in advance.

The first time my wife tried to make it for my “birthday” cake she tried to make it with the whipped cream in a can, thinking it would be OK and save time.  It wasn’t and it didn’t.


NABISCO Famous Chocolate Wafers
NABISCO Famous Chocolate Wafers








The recipe on the box says you can make it 4 hours before serving, but it is really best if left to sit in the refrigerator overnight so that the cream can be absorbed by the wafers and they swell and soften. 

Ingredients for Ice Box Cake

  1. 1 box NABISCO Famous chocolate wafers
  2. 2 cups heavy cream whipped stiff
  3. ¼ cup sugar
  4. 1 tsp vanilla

Directions for Ice Box Cake

Whip the cream stiff with the sugar and vanilla.  Spread the cream on one side of a wafer and lay on a plate and continue building a small tower of wafers.


tower of wafers
tower of wafers








Once you have a small tower place them on their side on a serving plate and then continue to build the log add one wafer at a time to the end of the log. 


place wafers on side to form a log
place wafers on side to form a log








Once all the wafers are added take the remaining whipped cream and frost the entire log.  Place into the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, best left overnight.  Can be frozen .


use rest of the whipped cream to totally cover the log
use rest of the whipped cream to totally cover the log









When serving cut on a 45º angle so that a number of wafers appear in each serving.


cut on 45 degree angle
cut on 45 degree angle









Celebrate Bastille Day by taking 1/3 of the whipped cream and put in blue food coloring and another 1/3 with red and make the log blue, white and red -Vive La France.




Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Cuisinart HM-70 Power Advantage 7-Speed Hand Mixer, Stainless and White
OXO Good Grips Bent Icing Knife


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Macaroni Salad with Cheddar Cheese

Macaroni Salad with Cheddar Cheese and Green Bell Pepper
Macaroni Salad with Cheddar Cheese and Green Bell Pepper







Macaroni Salad

What can be more American than macaroni and cheese, I thought?  So it was a simple stretch to make a great picnic side dish Macaroni salad with cheddar cheese and diced bell pepper.  Simple easy to make and will feed lots and lots of hungry BBQer’s.

Ingredients for Macaroni Salad:

  1. 1 lb. elbow macaroni cooked and cooled
  2. 4 cups sour cream
  3. 2 cup mayonnaise
  4. 3 tbs red wine vinegar
  5. ½ cup shredded cheddar cheese
  6. 1 bell pepper finely diced
  7. salt & pepper to taste

Directions for Macaroni Salad:

Cook the macaroni and drain and let cool slightly.

In a large mixing bowl add the sour cream, mayonnaise, vinegar, cheese,bell pepper & salt & pepper.  Add the slightly warm  macaroni and mix completely.  Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. If making far in advance you may have to add a little bit of whole milk to keep it moist, as the sauce will be absorbed by the macaroni.  Add the milk a little at a time until the macaroni is moist but not really wet as too much milk will dilute the sauce too much.


Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
OXO Good Grips 3-Piece Stainless-Steel Mixing Bowl Set


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copyright © rantsravesandrecipes 2013 all rights reserved






Warm Potato Salad

warm potato salad
warm potato salad






Warm Potato Salad

Another great summertime side, warm potato salad.  A great side dish at any time, for that matter.

Ingredients for Warm Potato Salad

  1. 2 -3 pounds waxy potatoes ( small red skin work well)
  2. 3 slices of bacon (diced)
  3. 1 onion diced
  4. ¼ cup white wine
  5. ¼ cup chicken stock
  6. 1 tbs Dijon mustard
  7. 3 – 4 tbs vegetable oil
  8. 2 tbs red wine vinegar
  9. salt & pepper
  10. chopped parsley for topping

Directions for Warm Potato Salad

Boil the potatoes until a fork pierced into them goes in easily.  Drain and place back in pot on stove for a few moments to dry the potatoes.  Slice thinly.

In a measuring cup or small bowl place the white wine, chicken stock,mustard,vegetable oil, and vinegar, salt & pepper and stir to mix.

In a large sauté pan ( I like to use a flat bottomed 12″ wok pan with handle) place the bacon and on medium high heat cook until most of the fat is rendered.  Once there is sufficient fat in the pan add the onion and cook until softened.  Turn heat down to medium low and add the stock mixture and stir to combine.  Once combined add in the potatoes and stir gently.  Place in serving bowl sprinkle a little parsley on top and serve warm.


Here are a few items to help make this warm potato salad recipe:
Calphalon Contemporary Nonstick 12-Inch Flat-Bottom Wok
Cook N Home 16-Piece Kitchen Tool in white Ceramic Tub



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