Chicken Teriyaki Stir Fry
Thanks to hurricane Irma with our power out for four days it was necessary to cook off as much of our frozen food that was going to go bad so this recipe was a quick throw together that actually came out not too bad!
You can make this recipe quick and easy or marinade the chicken for a little while either way it will come out great. One Chicken breast cut into ½” cubes will easily serve two persons and a bag of stir fry vegetables could serve up to 4, so just do the math with how many people you are serving.
While I tend not to endorse products, occasionally I find great stuff that out does most others, for teriyaki baste and glaze Iron Chef or Kikkomans are both excellent products and for the stir fry any one of the Birdseye frozen packets that suit your taste will work just fine.
Ingredients for Chicken Teriyaki Stir Fry
- 1 chicken breast cut into ½” cubes per 2 persons
- 1or more bottles teriyaki baste and glaze
- 1 package frozen stir fry vegetables per 2 persons
- 3 Tbs soy sauce
- 2 Tbs Sesame Oil (optional)
- Cooked rice
Directions for Chicken Teriyaki Stir Fry
Marinate the chicken in some of the teriyaki baste for about an hour, then using a wok or stir fry pan or a large sauté pan, cook the chicken until almost done and lightly browning.
In another pot cook the rice.
To the chicken add the vegetables and cook for about five minutes covered or as directed on the package. Once the vegetable are cooked and hot add the rest of the teriyaki baste the soy sauce and sesame oil stir together bringing everything up to heat and serve over the rice.
Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
http://amzn.to/2hbBA5s –Stir fry pan
http://amzn.to/2yi7O6E –spatulas