Mini Raspberry Turnovers


Mini raspberry Turnovers
Mini Raspberry Turnovers



Mini Raspberry Turnovers

The turnover is another of those ambiguous terms with no real attributions as to when and where it was first used.  Initially used for small pies wrapped in puff pastry, the pastry being turned over the filling and fried.  Every nationality has their own version some are sweet, others savory and the fillings vary greatly from fruit to meats, empanada, calzone, knish etc.

Although I love Raspberry Turnovers, I’m not really a big fan of puff pastry with foods to be eaten with the hands, the crumbs seem to get every where, and since recipes aren’t written in stone I thought why not a buttery pastry instead of puff pastry and lets make them smaller.

You will need a cookie cutter or something to make about a 4 inch diameter circle or if your geometrically unchallenged cut into 4 inch squares.  If you make them too much smaller you really can’t get enough filling in to make them worthwhile.

Ingredients for Mini Raspberry Turnovers

For the Filling:

If you feel in the mood, find a good recipe for pie filling and make your own, or as I did, just find a can of good pie filling to use.  The only trick is to make sure you get a little bit of the fruit itself into every turnover.

For the Pastry:*

  1. 2 cups all purpose flour
  2. 1/2 cup chilled shortening cubed
  3. 1/4 cup chilled butter cubed
  4. 1 tsp salt
  5. 8-10 TBS chilled water

For the Glaze:

  1. 1/2 cup confectioners sugar
  2. 1 Tbs milk
  3. 1/2 tsp vanilla (optional)

If you do use vanilla it will darken the glaze, use clear vanilla if you can find it or omit for a whiter glaze.

Directions for Mini Raspberry Turnovers

Preheat oven to 425°

Place the flour, shortening,butter and salt into a food processor and pulse to combine.  While continuing to pulse add the water a tablespoon at a time until it forms into a ball.  Roll a piece into a walnut sized ball and if it holds together it is done.

Form the dough into a ball, flatten and cover with plastic wrap and chill for 1 hour to 2 days.

When you are ready to bake, roll about 1/3 of the dough out to about 1/4 inch thickness and cut into 4 inch rounds. Continue rolling and cutting until you have a full baking sheet of rounds.

Place the rounds onto a baking sheet lined with a silpat.  Scoop about a tablespoon of filling (making sure you have a few berries in each) into the center of each round.  Lightly wet the edges of the rounds and fold in half over the filling.  Crimp the edges with a fork sealing the turnovers.

Bake for 18 – 20 minutes until the tops are lightly browned.  Remove them to a wire rack to cool. While the turnovers are cooling make the glaze by mixing the ingredients together, if the glaze looks too thick add a few more drops of milk to thin out. Once the turnovers are cooled drizzle the glaze over them and allow the glaze to dry.

* You can also use a premade puff pastry if you don’t want to make the dough


Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Nordic Ware Natural Aluminum Commercial Baker’s Half Sheet
Artisan (2 pk.) Non-Stick Silicone Baking Mat Set, 16 5/8 x 11





The Official Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester








A delightful buttery crust with an interesting sweet thing inside, certainly fit for a Scottish American Puppy Princess such as I.  5 paws and I hope the next batch is filled with lamb !









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Eggs in a Frame

Egg in a Frame
Egg in a Frame










Eggs in a Frame

In making shirred eggs in a bacon nest I was left with slices of bread with rather large holes in the center.  I could diced them up and make bread crumbs or croutons, but what fun would that be?  So I decided to make a family favorite – eggs in a frame, a rather simple piece of French toast with an egg in the center.

Ingredients for Eggs in a Frame

  1. 4 slices bread with hole cut in the center about 2″+ inches diameter
  2. 4 eggs
  3. salt and pepper 
  4. 1 Tbsp butter for pan

For the batter:

  1. 2 eggs well beaten
  2. 4 Tbsp cream
  3. 1/4 tsp vanilla
  4. 1/4 tsp salt and pepper each
  5. 2 dashes Tabassco

Directions for Eggs in a Frame

In a shallow bowl or pan mix the batter completely.  If you begin to run out add a little more cream, and if it looks like you will need a lot more add another egg.

In a frying pan melt the Tbsp of butter place the bread in the batter soaking both sides and put into the frying pan on medium heat, break an egg into the center of each piece of bread and lightly salt and pepper the egg.

Cook until the bottom of the egg sets and the bread is lightly browned, about 3 – 5 minutes.  Once browned carefully flip (over easy)  and season the other side of the egg with the salt and pepper. cook until bread is lightly browned then carefully flip onto a plate.

Serve the Eggs in a frame with Jam or powdered sugar or Maple syrup, and bacon or sausage on the side.


Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Ateco 14402 2.5-Inch Round Stainless Steel Cutter
T-fal E9380884 Professional Total Nonstick Oven Safe Thermo-Spot Heat Indicator 12-Inch Fry Pan / Saute Pan Dishwasher Safe Cookware
Kitchen Supply 8 Inch Square Glass Baking Dish
OXO Good Grips Silicone Flexible Pancake Turner


The Official                       Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester








Eggs and Eggy bread, maple syrup and they even throw in some bacon, I’m in! 5 paws








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Shirred Egg and Bacon Nest

Shirred Egg and Bacon Nest
Shirred Egg and Bacon Nest










Shirred Egg and Bacon Nest

This is a nice egg dish for a Sunday brunch, or any meal for that matter.  To make it truly elegant, serve with a quick blender Hollandaise sauce ,  or sprinkle grated cheddar over the top melt and serve with a Dijon mustard.  In this recipe I used a simple cheddar cheese sauce.

A shirred egg is simply an egg baked, but it does sound so  much more complex so call it what you will.  The simple “trick” to this recipe is to have slices of bacon that are a uniform width at both ends so they produce a nice stand up basket for the eggs.  For the toast rounds a cookie cutter 2 1/4 inches in diameter is needed.  I didn’t have one, but I found a small juice glass of the proper diameter which worked just fine.  The side benefit of this recipe is that you end up with a number of slices of bread with a big circle missing from the center, perfect for making Eggs in a Frame. 

Ingredients for Shirred Egg and Bacon Nest

For this recipe the quantities are simple one piece of bread for one egg and one slice of bacon.  A serving should be two or three depending on how hungry you are.  For this example serving two eggs each for two people, the quantities are times four = 2 eggs per person x 2.  Like wise the recipe here for the sauce will serve 4 – 6 “Nests” if your making more simply multiple the recipe.

  1. 4 whole eggs
  2. 4 slices of bacon uniform in width
  3. 4 toast rounds 2 1/4″ in diameter
  4. salt and pepper

For the cheddar cheese sauce:

  1. 2 Tbsp butter
  2. 4 Tbsp minced Onion
  3. 1 clove garlic finely diced
  4. 2 Tbsp all purpose flour
  5. 1 cup milk cold
  6. 1/4 – 1/2 cup diced  or grated cheddar cheese
  7. Salt and pepper to taste
  8. Finely chopped parlsey or chives for garnish (optional)



Directions for Shirred Egg and Bacon Baskets

In a frying pan* lay the bacon slices out and with medium heat cook until about 1/2 done and not crispy, turn and cook the other side, until most of the bacon fat is rendered.  Remove the slices to a paper towel to drain (they should still be pliable and not crisp).

Preheat oven to 375°

Cut a 2 1/4 inch round circle out of the center of four slices of bread.  Place into a toaster oven and toast to a light brown.

Using a cup cake pan spray four of the cups with cooking spray or lightly butter completely.

Line the sides of each of the four cups with a slice of bacon.  Place one toasted bread round in the bottom of each cup. Break and egg into the center of each cup and sprinkle the top lightly with salt and pepper.

Place into the center of the oven and bake for 10 – 13 minutes until the whites are set and the yolks still runny.

Once cooked remove the pan from the oven and carefully with a fork or small spatula remove each nest from the muffin tin to the plates.  Serve with sauce lightly poured over the top and extra sauce on the side.  Garish with the parsley or chives.

Cheddar Cheese Sauce:

 While the eggs are cooking prepare the sauce.  In a small sauce pan melt the butter on medium heat.  Once melted add the onion and garlic and cook for a few minutes until the onions are softened.  Add the flour and stir until all the flour is combined.  Bring the heat up to medium high and add the milk, and stirring constantly cook until the sauce begins to thicken.  Remove from the burner and slowly add the cheese a little at a time whisking each addition until it is melted ( if it doesn’t melt readily the sauce is not hot enough return it to a medium heat and add the cheese).  Once all the cheese is melted taste and adjust seasoning.

Serve with cottage fires sprinkled with a little Parmesan cheese and garnished with thinly sliced scallions.

* If your making a larger number of nests you can lay the bacon out on a sheet pan and cook in the oven, just don’t let it get crispy.


Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
OvenArt Silicone Bakeware – Muffin Pan / Cupcake Pan – 12 Cup Muffin Tin – 100% BPA-Free – Nonstick, Easy to Clean Muffin Tray
Cuisinart 719-16 Chef’s Classic Stainless 1-1/2-Quart Saucepan with Cover
Good Cook Set Of 3 Non-Stick Cookie Sheet


The Official Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester








Bacon, Eggs, Creamy Cheddar Cheese Sauce – I think I’d even get up early for that!!           5 paws for sure!








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