Mollet Eggs Florentine

Mollet Eggs Florentine
Mollet Eggs Florentine








Mollet Eggs Florentine

A Mollet Egg is one that is cooked not quite hard.  It lies inbetween a soft boiled egg and one cooked hard.  The whites are well set and the yolk is still partly runny.   A Mollet Egg Florentine is an egg cooked not quite hard served with spinach.  

 On of my pastimes is to go through very old cook books and I found one”The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book” by Victor Hirtzler which had recipes and menus for 365 days at the hotel.  Needless to say there were many egg dishes.  His version of this dish was a puree of spinach with the egg served on top.

In searching the internet I found Jacques Pepin’s take on the recipe with Mornay sauce over the top.  Sounded good to me so I tweaked the recipe a little to fit my pantry and came up with the following recipe.

It makes an elegant brunch recipe and works well for a luncheon or light dinner with a salad.

Ingredients for Mollet Eggs Florentine

This recipe is for two to four persons.

For the Mollet Eggs Florentine:
  1. 2 mollet eggs per person
  2. 1# frozen spinach
  3. 2 shallots finely diced
  4. ½ tsp ground nutmeg
  5. 2 Tbs butter
  6. Salt & Pepper
  7. 1 cup grated swiss cheese
For the Mornay Sauce:
  1. 2 Tbs butter
  2. 2Tbs Flour
  3. 1½ cups of ½&½ warmed
  4. ½ tsp salt and pepper (white if available)
  5. 2 Tbs Parmesan cheese
  6. 1 egg yolk (Optional)

Directions for Mollet Eggs Florentine

There are four distinct steps to the preparation of this dish.   First the spinach, second the eggs, third the Mornay sauce and fourth the final assembly and broiling.  None of the steps take a great deal of time and can be done in order and if you prepare everything in advance it should be a smooth operation.

If you have small au gratens do it in individual portions, or a larger au graten or baking dish will also work just fine .

For the Spinach:

You can use fresh if you like, but frozen works just as well.  Defrost the spinach and press out most of the water in a towel.

In a sauté pan melt the butter   Once the butter is beginning to brown add the shallot and cook until just wilted. Now  add the spinach and nutmeg and salt and pepper and stir to combine and cook for one or two minutes.

If making individual dishes divide the spinach into the four dishes, and set aside, or if using a larger dish spoon the spinach evenly over the bottom of the dish.

For the Mollet Eggs:

Use a pan that can accommodate all the eggs in a single layer and is deep enough to cover them with water.

Using a push pin, puncture the large round end of the eggs, making a small hole (this will prevent them from cracking while cooking).  Have a bowl with ice water ready to accept the eggs once cooked.

Bring the water up to a rolling boil.  Carefully add the eggs and cook for 6 minutes NO MORE!.  Remove the eggs once cooked from the boiling water and place into the ice water to stop the cooking.

Using the back of a knife or a spoon carefully cracked the shells of the eggs and gently peel, if they resist, peel under running water.  Dry eggs and set on top of the spinach.  You can make a small indentation in the spinach and place the eggs in them.  Sprinkle most of the cheese over the eggs and spinach, reserve a small amount to top the eggs with.

For the Mornay Sauce:

In a sauce pan melt the butter then add the flour stir to combine all the raw flour and cook for about one minute.  Add the warm ½&½ and whisk while bringing the mixture up to a boil.  Once thickened add the salt & pepper and Parmesan whisking briskly to prevent the cheese from lumping together.   Allow the mixture to cool a little, add the egg yolk and whisk very briskly to prevent the yolk from scrambling, you can omit the yolk if you want.  Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.

Mollet Eggs Florentine Assembly:

With the bed of spinach and the eggs nestled in, carefully spoon the Mornay sauce over the eggs and spinach and top the eggs with the remaining cheese.

Place under a broiler, but do not have the dish too close to the heat.  You want it far enough away so as to allow the eggs to heat up before the cheese and sauce brown too much.

the eggs are heated and cheese and sauce beginning to brown
the eggs are heated and cheese and sauce beginning to brown








Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Cooks Standard Multi-Ply Clad Stainless-Steel 5-Quart 11-Inch Covered Deep Saute Pan
6.75″ x 3.5″ 4 Oz. Oval Au Gratin Baking Dish [Set of 6]




The Official Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester








Very nice eggs with a nice cheesy sauce that even makes the green stuff almost palatable. Personally I would serve the eggs on a bed of prime rib, but I’m not the chef.  Anyway 5 paws for the eggs and sauce.






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Eggs Blackstone

Eggs Blackstone
Eggs Blackstone








Eggs Blackstone

Eggs Blackstone is an adaptation of Eggs Benedict, which has as many recipes do, a number of different origin stories.  About the only sure thing is that it was probably invented in New York City.

Eggs Blackstone works well for breakfast, brunch, light lunch or dinner. It can be served as a stand alone item or with any number of complimentary side dishes.

Ingredients for Eggs Blackstone

The ingredients in this recipe are per person so simply multiply the ingredients by the number of persons you are serving.  One recipe of Hollandaise sauce will serve about 4 persons.

Blender Hollandaise

I found this recipe years ago in the N.Y. Times Cook Book.  I changed it slightly but it still produces a delicious Hollandaise with very little effort.  The ingredients for this should be prepared in advance of poaching the eggs and made once the eggs are cooking.

  1. 3 Fresh Egg yolks
  2. 1 ½ sticks unsalted butter
  3. ¼ tsp salt
  4. ¼ tsp. pepper
  5. 2-3 dashes of Tabasco
  6. 1 Tbs fresh lemon juice
  7. ½ tsp paprika
Directions for Blender Hollandaise

Place the butter in a small sauce pot and melt on medium to low heat once melted remove from heat and allow to cool slightly ( you do not want the butter to be too hot as if it is it will scramble the eggs when blended).

In a blender place the yolks, salt & pepper, Tabasco, lemon juice and paprika.  Pulse the blender a few times to mix the ingredients.   With the blender on medium speed add the butter in a constant stream until all is combined.  The sauce should be thick, not runny or watery.  Once the sauce is thickened you have the option of adding different ingredients to make a number of different sauces.  Do not add anything other than the basic ingredients to the “mother sauce” as doing so will break the sauce.

Ingredients for Eggs Blackstone
  1. 2 fresh whole eggs per person
  2. 1 toasted english muffin halved
  3. 2 thick slices of tomato lightly salted
  4. 1-2 slices of bacon well done cut in half
  5. Saute pan with about 2 inches of water lightly salted and with 1 Tbs white vinegar added
Directions for Eggs Blackstone

Take the slices of bacon cut in half and cook to your desired amount of doneness.  Place on a paper towel to drain

Cut the tomato into ¼ inch or thicker slices and lightly salt.

In a saute pan with the salt and vinegar, bring the water up to a boil and then reduce to a slow simmer.

Place the eggs one at a time in a small cup or bowl and with the lip of the cup just touching the water pour the eggs into the water. allow to cook for 3- 5 minutes until the whites are set and the yolks still slightly runny*.

Once you begin to poach the eggs, finish the Hollandaise and reserve to a gravy boat or warm bowl.

Place the English muffin halves on a plate, place a tomato slice on top of each half.  Place 2-3 pieces of bacon on top of the tomato.  

Remove the poached eggs from the water pat dry with a paper towel and place on top of the bacon.  Spoon the Hollandaise over all and serve.

*  You can prepare the eggs in advance, once done place into a bowl of iced water to stop the cooking and then into a pan of warm water to hold until serving.  Just place back into simmering water for a minute to bring back up to heat before assembly.


Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Oster 6706 6-Cup 450-Watt, 10-Speed Blender, Black
Simply Calphalon Nonstick 4-cup Egg Poacher with Cover
Wolfman’s Muffin Master English Muffin Splitting Tool



The Official Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester








A nice english muffin, a nicer egg, an even nicer eggy sauce, some sort of red thing, and BACON!!!!!, I howl with delight for anything BACON!!! This one gets 5 paws for sure!







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Eggs in a Frame

Egg in a Frame
Egg in a Frame










Eggs in a Frame

In making shirred eggs in a bacon nest I was left with slices of bread with rather large holes in the center.  I could diced them up and make bread crumbs or croutons, but what fun would that be?  So I decided to make a family favorite – eggs in a frame, a rather simple piece of French toast with an egg in the center.

Ingredients for Eggs in a Frame

  1. 4 slices bread with hole cut in the center about 2″+ inches diameter
  2. 4 eggs
  3. salt and pepper 
  4. 1 Tbsp butter for pan

For the batter:

  1. 2 eggs well beaten
  2. 4 Tbsp cream
  3. 1/4 tsp vanilla
  4. 1/4 tsp salt and pepper each
  5. 2 dashes Tabassco

Directions for Eggs in a Frame

In a shallow bowl or pan mix the batter completely.  If you begin to run out add a little more cream, and if it looks like you will need a lot more add another egg.

In a frying pan melt the Tbsp of butter place the bread in the batter soaking both sides and put into the frying pan on medium heat, break an egg into the center of each piece of bread and lightly salt and pepper the egg.

Cook until the bottom of the egg sets and the bread is lightly browned, about 3 – 5 minutes.  Once browned carefully flip (over easy)  and season the other side of the egg with the salt and pepper. cook until bread is lightly browned then carefully flip onto a plate.

Serve the Eggs in a frame with Jam or powdered sugar or Maple syrup, and bacon or sausage on the side.


Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Ateco 14402 2.5-Inch Round Stainless Steel Cutter
T-fal E9380884 Professional Total Nonstick Oven Safe Thermo-Spot Heat Indicator 12-Inch Fry Pan / Saute Pan Dishwasher Safe Cookware
Kitchen Supply 8 Inch Square Glass Baking Dish
OXO Good Grips Silicone Flexible Pancake Turner


The Official                       Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester








Eggs and Eggy bread, maple syrup and they even throw in some bacon, I’m in! 5 paws








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