Chicken Chili


Chicken Chili
Chicken Chili









Chicken Chili

The other night listening to the news I heard a disturbing fact that not only is the price of milk going to rise because of the demand in China, but that the price of beef is going to sky rocket out of sight soon.  So I started to readjust my mind set and decided to convert a few recipes I have to other forms of meat to see if they would work as well.  

Chicken Chili works just fine, for a complete meal I serve it with rice and leave the mixture a little more liquid.  I also add beans, a complete no-no to the chili snobs, but I don’t care.  This recipe is fairly inexpensive and will, with the rice, serve 4.

The great thing about this recipe is it works really well in a slow cooker.

One the most important parts of a good chili recipe is to use a good chili powder, I don’t usually endorse, but Bruce foods Mexene Chili Powder Seasoning, does give this recipe a nice kick.

Ingredients for Chicken Chili:

  1. 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts cut into bite size pieces
  2. 1 can tomato paste
  3. 2 cups chicken stock
  4. 1 tsp cayenne pepper
  5. 1 medium onion diced
  6. 2 tomatoes diced
  7. 1 large pepper diced
  8. 2 cloves garlic crushed and chopped
  9. 1 Tbsp dried oregano
  10. 1 Tbsp cumin
  11. 1 Tbsp chili powder
  12. 1 tsp salt
  13. 2 Tbsp sugar
  14. 1/3 cup chopped cilantro
  15. 1 -2 cans black beans drained
  16. 1/4 cup chopped parsley for garnish (optional)
  17. cheddar cheese grated (optional)
  18. red onion chopped (optional)
  19. sour cream (optional)


Directions for Chicken Chili


 In your slow cooker place all the ingredients except for the cilantro, chicken, and beans, set on high, cover and let cook for 4 -5 hours.   1 hour before serving add the chicken to the pot stir to combine and cover.  30 minutes before serving add the cilantro and beans.

Serve over rice or wide noodles for a great meal.  Offer toppings if you want like grated cheese, onion, sour cream.

If you want a slightly drier chili use only half the stock or before adding the stock, cook the other items for about 15 minutes and add 3 Tbsp flour and stir until flour is totally combined then add stock and cover.

You can also grill or pan saute the chicken to brown it before cutting into small pieces, if you do add the chicken with the beans and cilantro.


Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Crock-Pot SCCPVL610-S 6-Quart Programmable Cook and Carry Oval Slow Cooker, Includes One Bonus Campbell’s Slow Cooker Sauce
Zwilling J.A. Henckels Four Star 8-Piece Knife Set with Block



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The Official Taste Tester








This was a little too spicy for a delicate S.A.P.P. (Scottish American Puppy Princess), they even spiced up the chicken so I didn’t get any!  New Rule – No Tasty – No Ratey!




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Chicken Pudding

Chicken Pudding
Chicken Pudding









Chicken Pudding

One of my past times is to browse through old cook books.  I was recently going through Mary Randolph’s  “The Virginia House-Wife”.  First published in 1824 it was one the most important cook and house hold management books of the 18th century in America.  As I was going through the book I came across this recipe and as I already had chicken out for dinner I thought I’d tweak it and use it.  It came out quite nice.  My recipe is for two so if your going to make more multiply the recipe.

Ingredients for Chicken Pudding

  1. Chicken pieces, breast , thigh etc.1-1 1/2 per person
  2. Bouquet Garni *
  3. 3 eggs
  4. 1 cup milk or half & half
  5. salt and pepper
  6. 1 – 4 Tbs flour
  7. Butter to grease cooking pan
  8. Parsley chopped for garnish

*Bouquet Garni

In a cheesecloth sachet place:

  1. 4-5 pepper corns
  2. dried Thyme
  3. crushed rosemary
  4. 4-5 sprigs parsley

Bechamel Sauce

  1. 1 Shallot or small onion finely chopped
  2. 1 clove garlic finely chopped
  3. 2 Tbs butter
  4. 2 Tbs flour
  5. 2 cups milk or half & half
  6. Salt and pepper to taste
  7. 1/8 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Directions for Chicken Pudding

In a pot large enough to hold the chicken, cover the chicken with lightly salted water add the bouquet garni and bring to a boil and cook the chicken for about 20 to 30 minutes.  When cooked remove from the pot and let cool.

Once the chicken is cool enough to handle, skin and pull the meat from the bones, and cut into bite size pieces.

For two use a au gratin dish, for larger portions use a pie plate or casserole to bake the pudding in, buttering the dish well.

In a separate bowl add the eggs and milk and salt and pepper and whisk until fully blended. Add enough flour to make a thin batter, add the chicken pour the whole into the baking dish and bake at 375° for 30 – 40 minutes until pudding is set and beginning to lightly brown on top. 

While the chicken is cooking prepare the sauce.

In a sauce pan place the butter and shallot and garlic and cook on medium heat until the shallot is softened.  Once the shallot is softened, add the flour and mix until all the flour is combined, continue to cook for a few minutes more to cook out the flour,  then add the milk, raise the heat to medium high to high and stir the sauce to dissolve the roux and begin thickening the sauce.  As the sauce begins to heat up add the salt and pepper to taste and add the Parmesan.  You don’t want the sauce to become too thick, if it is add a little more liquid to thin and you don’t want to use too much Parmesan to overpower the herbs the chicken was cooked in.

When the chicken is done remove from the oven and garnish with the chopped parsley and serve with the sauce on the side.


Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Le Creuset Heritage Stoneware 1-Quart Oval Au Gratin Dish, Cherry
Excelsteel 16 Quart Stainless Steel Stockpot With Encapsulated Base
Cuisinart 719-16 Chef’s Classic Stainless 1-1/2-Quart Saucepan with Cover


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The Official Taste Tester








Chicken pudding? Is it dessert gone wild? Who cares IT”S CHICKEN! 5 paws








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Chicken and Dumplings

Chicken and Dumplings
Chicken and Dumplings









Chicken and Dumplings

Here’s another of those ubiquitous recipes with as many ingredients as can be imagined.  Breaking it down to its simplest form chicken soup with dumplings.  You can go really simple and use processed ingredients or make it all your self, or a combination.  It really doesn’t matter, it’s what works best for you.  The amounts in the recipe are also approximate use as many vegetables as you think you’ll need, add more chicken if you want, this dumpling recipe will serve 4 – 6 easily.  My recipe gives you a thick rich soup that’s a great dinner on a cold night!

Ingredients for Chicken and Dumplings

  1. 1 1/2 to 2 cups of good chicken stock per person
  2. 1 chicken thigh per person
  3. Carrots peeled and diced
  4. Onion diced
  5. Garlic minced
  6. Celery diced
  7. 1 cup frozen peas, thawed
  8. 1 Tbs of butter for each cup of stock
  9. 1 Tbs flour for each cup of stock
  10. 1/2 cup half & half for each 4 -5 cups of stock
  11. Chopped parsley for garnish
  12. Salt and pepper to taste

For the Dumplings:

  1. 2 cups all purpose flour
  2. 2 tsp baking powder
  3. 1 tsp salt
  4. 1/4 cup shortening
  5. 3/4 cup milk

Directions for Chicken and Dumplings


In a stock part large enough to accommodate the recipe size you’ll be cooking place the chicken thighs, cover with water and bring to boil, cook for about 20 minutes.  Remove chicken and let cool, remove the skin shred the chicken and cut into bite size pieces. 

In a stock pot place the butter and melt.  Add the carrot, celery, garlic and onion and cook for a few minutes on medium heat until the onions are translucent.  Add the flour and stir and cook until the flour is completely incorporated.  Add the stock and bring the mixture up to a boil to thicken.  If too thick add a little more stock but don’t make it too thin as you will be adding half and half later.  Lower the heat to a simmer  add the chicken, cover and let cook for about 20 minutes.

While the soup is cooking begin the dumplings.

Sift the flour, baking powder, and salt into a bowl.  Using a pastry cutter cut in the shortening, then add the milk and stir to combine completely.  Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead 5 or 6 times to form a ball.  Press or roll out to about a 1/2 inch thick square.  Cut the dough into 1/2 inch squares.

Bring heat up to a light boil, add the dumplings and peas to the pot cover and let cook about 20 minutes until center of dumplings are done.

Once the dumplings are cooked take off heat let boiling subside and then add the half & half stirring as you add. Ladle into bowls garnish with the chopped parsley over each dish.


Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
OXO Good Grips Dough Blender with Blades
Cuisinart 766-24 Chef’s Classic 8-Quart Stockpot with Cover


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The Official Taste Tester








It’s chicken! Need I say more? 5 paws easily.








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