Grilled Salmon
A simple recipe that has only one true rule to be successful, and that is don’t rush the cooking. You can use either a salmon steak or a filet, the filet sometimes is a little hard to turn but if you’re careful will work just fine.
You first want to get your grill hot, around 425º. Make sure once you have a hot grill that the grate is clean of any old grilling debris, brush the grill clean.
With a neutral oil, lightly oil and salt and pepper both sides of the salmon. You can of course, if your hesitant to directly cook the fish on the grill, use a quality fish grilling basket. Like the grill itself allow the basket to heat up before placing the fish in.
Just before cooking lightly brush the grill with vegetable oil using an old clean cloth (making sure it’s not a synthetic that will melt under heat) that has very little oil on it. Be very careful to watch for flare ups, if you have too much oil on the cloth it can drip and ignite a flareup and possibly ignite the cloth.
Place the salmon on the grill skin side down and allow it to cook for 4-6 minutes until the skin is starting to crisp and the fish comes easily off the grill.
I like to reoil the area where I’m going to place the fish after turning. Now flip and allow the fish to cook on the other side until done, another 4-6 minutes.
Serve with lemon and chives beurre blanc ( ) for a great meal.
Here are a few itmes to help make this recipe:
Mr Bar B Q 06601X Deluxe Non-Stick Flexible Grilling Basket
Weber 46110001 Spirit E210 Liquid Propane Gas Grill, Black
Cuisinart CGS-5014 14-Piece Deluxe Stainless-Steel Grill Set

Like my review for the Beurre Blanc – delicious and make sure the salmon is “Scottish”.
- 6 to 8ounce Salmon filet or steak
- 2 Tbs neutral oil to place on fish and grill
- heat grill to 425 and brush to clean all debris from grill. Lightly oil both sides of salmon and lightly salt and pepper. just before placing on grill lightly oil the grill being very careful to avoid flare ups. cook 4- 6 minutes skin side down first, until skin begins to crisp and fish is easily lifted from the grill. reoiol area where fish will be cooked on turn and turn fish and cook for 4-6 minutes until done.

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