Red Beans and Rice

Red Beans and Rice
Red Beans and Rice






Red Beans and Rice

Before all you “Laissez les bons temps rouler” fanatics get your Mardi Gras beads in a knot- this Red Beans and Rice recipe is not a traditional one.  This simply my version of the dish.

Red beans and I don’t get along too well, so I have to limit the amount I put in the recipe.  When I made this particular batch, yellow and red peppers were on sale so I thought they would make a colorful addition to the presentation.  The traditional way is with Andouille sausage, but in this recipe I substituted sweet Italian.  It’s only a recipe feel free to add or subtract to it as you want there are no red beans and rice police to stop you.

I don’t combine my vegetables and the rice, I like to serve them “over” the rice but again it’s up to you if you want to mix it all together or not.

As for the sour cream, any “hot” pepper like jalapeño has as it heat producer capsaicin which is an alkaloid.  To offset the heat, milk products have casein which when it comes in contact with the capsaicin on your tongue binds with it neutralizes it and helps it wash away.  Gee I wish I had paid more attention in chemistry class in H.S. ! Who knew it would come in handy later on?  Sorry Mr. Trienklein!

Ingredients for Red Beans and Rice
  1. 1 -3 cans Red Beans drained and rinsed
  2. 1 large onion diced
  3. 2-3 bell peppers diced
  4. 2-3 cloves of garlic minced
  5. 1-2 #’s sausage
  6. 1 large or 2 small  jalapeño peppers finely chopped seeds removed
  7. 2 Tbsps chili powder
  8. 2 tsp each salt & pepper 
  9. juice of 2 limes
  10. Rice fully cooked
  11. parsley for garnish
  12. sour cream(optional)

Directions for Red Beans and Rice

In a large sauté pan begin to cook the sausage, once they begin to lighlty brown remove one at a time and cut into coins- cooking them slightly makes them much easier to cut.  Continue to cook until they are fairly well browned.

Once browned remove the sausage from the pan and set aside.  Now add the onion, peppers, garlic, jalapeño and cooked until all are softened.  Now add the chili powder juice of the limes and the salt and pepper.  Stir all to combine well, then add back in the sausage cover and allow to come up to heat.  Just before serving add the beans and allow enough time for them to heat up.

Serve over the rice, garnish plate with parsley and top with sour cream.

here are a few items to help make this recipe:


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The Official Taste Tester







Not a whole lot going on here to impress a S.A.P.P. the only thing I like is the sausage and a little rice let’s hope tomorrow night is more impressive!



Red Beans and Rice

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 45 minutes

Red Beans and Rice


  1. 1 -3 cans Red Beans drained and rinsed
  2. 1 large onion diced
  3. 2-3 bell peppers diced
  4. 2-3 cloves of garlic minced
  5. 1-2 #'s sausage
  6. 1 large or 2 small jalapeño peppers finely chopped seeds removed
  7. 2 Tbsps chili powder
  8. 2 tsp each salt & pepper
  9. juice of 2 limes
  10. Rice fully cooked
  11. parsley for garnish
  12. sour cream(optional)


  1. In a large sauté pan begin to cook the sausage, once they begin to lighlty brown remove one at a time and cut into coins- cooking them slightly makes them much easier to cut. Continue to cook until they are fairly well browned.
  2. Once browned remove the sausage from the pan and set aside. Now add the onion, peppers, garlic, jalapeño and cooked until all are softened. Now add the chili powder juice of the limes and the salt and pepper. Stir all to combine well, then add back in the sausage cover and allow to come up to heat. Just before serving add the beans and allow enough time for them to heat up.
  3. Serve over the rice, garnish plate with parsley and top with sour cream.
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String Beans Amandine

String Beans Amandine
String Beans Amandine








String Beans Amandine

My first encounter with the term “Amandine” was so many years ago.  On Sundays my grandparents would go for a drive.  I often accompanied them.  Occasionally they would drive out to Sag Harbor to visit friends and we would stop in Riverhead for either lunch on the way out or early dinner on the way back at the Hotel Henry Perkins.

The hotel had a very nice restaurant  and my favorite dish was the filet of flounder amandine.  Sadly those days are gone.  I think the hotel is now a retirement home and once the expressway was completed the town itself slowly dwindled, as traffic passed it by.  I was always on the lookout for the world famous L.I. Duck store, I knew once we passed it in Flanders it wasn’t too much longer to our destination.

The Big Duck
The Big Duck








The term amandine means to garnish with almonds, simple enough, it does however turn an ordinary dish into something quite fanciful and delicious.  At the same time it is quite easy to prepare.  There are a number of different foods that go well with this, fish, potatoes, asparagus to name a few.

Most often the almonds are toasted served with browned butter and lemon juice.  Depending on the food you are adding it to will decide the exact sequence of events, but the main idea is to not soak the almonds so they stay crisp.

Ingredients for String Beans Amandine

  1. 2 cans of string beans or any green bean of your choice or fresh in season
  2. 1/4 -1/2 cup toasted almonds
  3. 3 -4 Tbs butter
  4. Juice of 1/2 – 1 lemon
  5. salt and pepper to taste

Directions for String Beans Amandine

In a non stick fry pan on medium heat toast the almonds, stirring continuously until they begin to lightly brown. Once they begin to brown, remove from the heat and place into a bowl to cool.

If using canned beans drain thoroughly and pat dry, too much moisture on the beans will cause them to splatter when put into the hot butter.

For 2 cans of string beans place about 4 Tbs of butter into a fry pan and on medium heat, brown the butter by cooking until the butter solids start to brown, do not over cook and burn the butter as this will cause a very acrid taste.

When the butter begins to brown add the beans and cook and stir until most of the butter is absorbed by the beans.  Now add the lemon juice and salt and pepper, adjust the seasoning and at the last moment add the almonds stir to combine and place into a serving bowl.

Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
T-fal A857S394 Specialty Nonstick Dishwasher Safe PFOA Free 8-Inch 9.5-Inch 11-Inch Fry Pan / Saute Pan Cookware Set, 3-Piece, Gray
Cuisinart CCO-50BKN Deluxe Electric Can Opener, Black


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The Official Taste Tester









Again with the Vegetables!  Rule #1 applies, but everyone else seemed to like them.  Perhaps we could go visit the Big Duck and pick up a few for a gourmet treat!




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  copyright © rantsravesandrecipes 2014 all rights reserved

Chicken Chili


Chicken Chili
Chicken Chili









Chicken Chili

The other night listening to the news I heard a disturbing fact that not only is the price of milk going to rise because of the demand in China, but that the price of beef is going to sky rocket out of sight soon.  So I started to readjust my mind set and decided to convert a few recipes I have to other forms of meat to see if they would work as well.  

Chicken Chili works just fine, for a complete meal I serve it with rice and leave the mixture a little more liquid.  I also add beans, a complete no-no to the chili snobs, but I don’t care.  This recipe is fairly inexpensive and will, with the rice, serve 4.

The great thing about this recipe is it works really well in a slow cooker.

One the most important parts of a good chili recipe is to use a good chili powder, I don’t usually endorse, but Bruce foods Mexene Chili Powder Seasoning, does give this recipe a nice kick.

Ingredients for Chicken Chili:

  1. 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts cut into bite size pieces
  2. 1 can tomato paste
  3. 2 cups chicken stock
  4. 1 tsp cayenne pepper
  5. 1 medium onion diced
  6. 2 tomatoes diced
  7. 1 large pepper diced
  8. 2 cloves garlic crushed and chopped
  9. 1 Tbsp dried oregano
  10. 1 Tbsp cumin
  11. 1 Tbsp chili powder
  12. 1 tsp salt
  13. 2 Tbsp sugar
  14. 1/3 cup chopped cilantro
  15. 1 -2 cans black beans drained
  16. 1/4 cup chopped parsley for garnish (optional)
  17. cheddar cheese grated (optional)
  18. red onion chopped (optional)
  19. sour cream (optional)


Directions for Chicken Chili


 In your slow cooker place all the ingredients except for the cilantro, chicken, and beans, set on high, cover and let cook for 4 -5 hours.   1 hour before serving add the chicken to the pot stir to combine and cover.  30 minutes before serving add the cilantro and beans.

Serve over rice or wide noodles for a great meal.  Offer toppings if you want like grated cheese, onion, sour cream.

If you want a slightly drier chili use only half the stock or before adding the stock, cook the other items for about 15 minutes and add 3 Tbsp flour and stir until flour is totally combined then add stock and cover.

You can also grill or pan saute the chicken to brown it before cutting into small pieces, if you do add the chicken with the beans and cilantro.


Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Crock-Pot SCCPVL610-S 6-Quart Programmable Cook and Carry Oval Slow Cooker, Includes One Bonus Campbell’s Slow Cooker Sauce
Zwilling J.A. Henckels Four Star 8-Piece Knife Set with Block



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The Official Taste Tester








This was a little too spicy for a delicate S.A.P.P. (Scottish American Puppy Princess), they even spiced up the chicken so I didn’t get any!  New Rule – No Tasty – No Ratey!




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