Broiled Stuffed Tomato

broiled stuffed tomato






Broiled Stuffed Tomato

The poor oft maligned tomato, a fruit that has been declared a vegetable by the Supreme Court and numerous republican legislatures since Reagan.  Thought by others to be poisonous and inedible.  Perhaps Columbus’s most important discovery, we could have done without North and South America, but who could survive without pizza?

Fruit or vegetable doesn’t matter , stuffed and broiled it makes a wonderful accompaniment to any meal.

Ingredients for Stuffed Broiled Tomatoes

  1. Large ripe tomatoes
  2. 2-3 Tbs Bread crumbs (Italian style, per tomato)
  3. Garlic cloves ( 1 per tomato finely diced)
  4. Fresh Mozzarella (2 tbs per tomato, finely cubed)
  5. 1 tbs Parmesan (per tomato)
  6. 1tsp Olive Oil

Mix the bread crumbs and Parmesan together.

Core the tomato and cut in half.  With a spoon or melon baller scoop out the insides being careful not to break the skin.  Take the the insides and chop to a very fine dice place into a bowl add the garlic and Mozzarella and the bread crumb Parmesan mixture.  Mix until all is well combined.  Stuff into the tomatoes.  Drizzle Olive Oil lightly over the top.  Place into a lightly buttered baking dish and bake at 375° for about 20 minutes ( you may place near the broiler for the last 2 minutes to brown the top).


A few tools to help the busy cook
Norpro 5135 Double Melon Baller
Le Creuset Stoneware 1-1/4-Quart Rectangular Baker with Bonus 16-Ounce Rectangular Baker, Cherry




Slow Cooker Pork Roast with Red Cabbage

Slow Cooker Pork Roast & Red Cabbage
Slow Cooker Pork Roast & Red Cabbage






Slow Cooker Pork Roast and Red Cabbage

I just love my slow cooker not just for apple butter but for many great meals.  Some take a little supervision and some like this recipe for pork roast & red cabbage are so simple just start it and forget it.  The only chore is to check the cabbage to make sure the liquid doesn’t all evaporate.

Ingredients for Pork Roast & Red Cabbage serves 1-4 Persons

  1. Pork Roast (just large enough to fit flat into the cooker).
  2. 1-2 jars red cabbage
  3. Salt & Pepper
  4. ¼-½ cup Dry red wine, beef stock or water

Directions for Roast Pork & Red Cabbage

In a frying pan large enough to hold the roast, lightly oil the pan.  Season the fat side of the roast with salt & pepper and brown the roast fat side down in the pan.  In the slow cooker add the red cabbage and once the roast is browned place it on top of the red cabbage, cover and cook on low for 3-4 hours until an internal temperature of at least 145°.  Check occasionally to make sure the liquid in the red cabbage remains.  If it begins to get too dry add ¼ cup of dry red wine or beef stock or water.  Monitor the liquid throughout the cooking process.  Cooking a pork roast this way leaves it moist, tender and very flavorful, I think you’ll love it.  To finish a great meal try this with glazed carrots cooked in the french style and rice and a stuffed tomato.

slow cooked pork dinner
slow cooked pork dinner








Need to make this recipe easier try one of these
Hamilton Beach 33182 8-Quart Oval Slow Cooker, Black
Emeril by All-Clad E919S264 Hard Anodized Nonstick Scratch Resistant 8-Inch and 12-Inch Fry Pan / Saute Pan Cookware Set, Black
Zwilling J.A. Henckels Zwilling Four Star 2-Piece Carving Set


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Asparagus Pudding

Asparagus Pudding
Asparagus Pudding

Asparagus Pudding

I was browsing through a very old cook book the other day and came across this interesting recipe for Asparagus Pudding.  I updated it a little but over all it came out fairly well despite being over 150 years old.

You’ll need a small bowl or mold that holds about 3 cups, a round or square cake pan, and some vegetable oil spray.

Ingredients for Asparagus Pudding

  1. 2 strips of bacon well done and crumbled, or 2 tbs finely diced ham
  2. 4 eggs
  3. 2 tbs flour
  4. 1 bunch asparagus ( enough when cooked to measure about 1 cup cut up)
  5. 1/4+ cup cream or ½ & ½
  6. salt & pepper
  7. boiling water

Preheat oven to 400°

Cook the bacon until well done then crumble and set aside.  Take the Asparagus and remove the ends by gently bending the stalk and letting it snap apart.  You can do all that way or after a couple decide where the soft spot is and cut all the stalks at that point with a knife.  Cook  the asparagus until tender by either using a asparagus pot or cooking in a large frying pan filled with boiling water.  Once soft place in ice water to stop the cooking, drain and pat dry;  then cut into pea size pieces.

Spray the bowl with the cooking spray.  In another bowl completely mix the eggs and flour, add in the bacon and asparagus, salt and pepper,  add in the cream to form a pudding the consistency of a thick batter.  Pour into greased bowl, cover with foil.

Place the cake pan on the top rack, in the center of the oven, put the bowl with the asparagus in the cake pan and add the boiling water to the cake pan so that it comes almost to the top of the pan, ( should be about 1/2 way up the bowl). Bake for about two hours.  Remove from the oven and let cool slightly, run a knife around the edges to loosen and invert on to a plate.  Cut in wedges and serves with melted butter spooned around but not over (as per the recipe).

Asparagus Pudding
Asparagus Pudding









Here are a few items to make this recipe easier
Steam Pudding/Cake Mold with Lid – 4.5 Cup Capacity
OvenStuff Non-Stick 9 Inch Round Cake Pan Two Piece Set
Mason Cash 5-1/2-Inch by 3-Inch Pudding Basin, 2-1/2 Cup Capacity, Size 42, White




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