Roasted Butternut Squash

Roasted Butternut Squash
Roasted Butternut Squash







Roasted Butternut Squash

To roast butternut squash you can either roast cut in half, cut side down, in a pan with a little water for about 1-1½ hours and then scoop out of the skin or peel, seed, cube and roast for about 30 minutes on high heat.  My version uses a light marinade to oil the cubed squash and add a little sweetness.

I keep it simple, but feel free to add herbs or spices to the recipe.  Minced garlic, sage, rosemary or whatever you think will go well with the squash.

Ingredients for Roast Butternut Squash

  1. 1-2 medium Squash, peeled, seeded, and cubed
  2. 3 Tbs butter
  3. 3 Tbs brown sugar
  4. ¼ cup Olive oil
  5. 2 tsp each salt & pepper (approx)

Directions for Roast Butternut Squash

Pre heat oven to 400º

In a small sauce pan melt the butter and once melted add the sugar and stir until all the sugar is dissolved.  Off heat add the Olive oil, salt and pepper and stir briskly to combine.

Peel, seed, and cut the squash into ½” cubes.  Place into a bowl and pour the oil mixture over it.  Stir to coat all the pieces of squash.

Place in a pan that will accommodate the squash in a single layer and roast for 20 minutes in the center of the oven, place on a higher rack nearer the  heating elements for the last 10 minutes to lightly brown and char the squash.

Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Nordic Ware Natural Aluminum Commercial Baker’s Quarter Sheet
Cuisinart 419-14 Contour Stainless 1-Quart Saucepan with Cover


The Official Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester









Sadly vegetables are fit only for cats and bunnies, they were slightly sweet but not my cup of beef broth.

Roasted Butternut Squash

Roasted Butternut Squash


  1. 1-2 medium Squash, peeled, seeded, and cubed
  2. 3 Tbs butter
  3. 3 Tbs brown sugar
  4. ¼ cup Olive oil
  5. 2 tsp each salt & pepper (approx)


  1. Pre heat oven to 400º
  2. In a small sauce pan melt the butter and once melted add the sugar and stir until all the sugar is disolved. Off heat add the Olive oil, salt and pepper and stir briskly to combine.
  3. Peel, seed, and cut the squash into ½" cubes. Place into a bowl and pour the oil mixture over it. Stir to coat all the pieces of squash.
  4. Place in a pan that will accomodate the squash in a single layer and roast for 20 minutes in the center of the oven, place on a higher rack nearer the heating elements for the last 10 minutes to lightly brown and char the squash.
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Stuffed Acorn Squash

Stuffed Acorn Squash
Stuffed Acorn Squash








Stuffed Acorn Squash

Acorn squash is an absolutely great vegetable ! My introduction to it was circular slices baked in a brown sugar butter sauce, delicious but a slightly high caloric count dish.  Stuffed Acorn Squash is a dish with a very nice presentation that makes a satisfying main course.

This is another of those not written in stone recipes, make it with what ever type of meat you’d like, or make it strictly veggie like a ratatouille in a shell, choices are endless, just awaiting your creative ideas to make this recipe your own.

It’s not a quick throw together meal, but it’s certainly worth the effort.

Ingredients for Stuffed Acorn Squash

The ingredients here are for one squash serving two people.

  1. 1 Acorn Squash cut in half, seeded, and baked, and cooked squash scooped out
  2. 2 Tbs butter melted
  3. 1/2 pound ground beef
  4. 1 shallot minced
  5. 1 clove garlic minced
  6. salt & pepper
  7. 1/2 tsp cumin
  8. 1/2 tsp coriander
  9. 1/4 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese
  10. 1/4 cup Panko bread crumbs approximate
  11. Olive oil

Directions for Stuffed Acorn Squash

Preheat oven to 450º

Cut the squash in half lengthwise.  If the squash does not sit flat slice off a small section of the bottom to give it a flat surface, being careful not to slice too deeply into the flesh.  Scoop out the seeds and brush the inside with the melted butter and lightly salt and pepper.  Place into a baking dish and bake cut side up for about 30 minutes.

Once cooked, remove the squash and allow to cool.  Once cool enough to handle, scoop out the insides carefully trying not to pierce the skin.  Place the squash into a bowl.

While the squash is cooking ,cook the ground beef.  When the ground beef is cooked drain to remove excess grease.

Add the ground beef, shallot, garlic,coriander, cumin and mozzarella to the squash stir to combine thoroughly.  Taste at this point and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper. 

Turn heat in oven to 350º

Fill both squash halves with the mixture, dividing equally to both halves.  Sprinkle the Panko Crumbs and a little Olive oil over the top of both.  Place into a baking dish and bake for about 30 minutes until hot and the crumbs are browned.

Carefully remove from baking dish when done and serve.  Garnish with a dollop of sour cream if you like.


Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Pyrex Bakeware 4.8 Quart Oblong Baking Dish, Clear
OXO Good Grips Brushed Stainless Steel Spoon




Official V.C.W.P
Official V.C.W.P









Offical V.C.W.P. and Taste Tester & 100% S.A.P.P.









Tastings have been so sparse of late I was beginning to think I was out of a job.  So I am now also the Official V.C.W.P. (Very Cute Watch Puppy), although some in the neighborhood call me the “snoop dog”, and others “the barker”.  The squash thing, sans the shell, was quite beefy with a hint of cheese, so it’s a 5 paw effort and now back to guard duty.
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copyright © rantsravesandrecipes 2014 all rights reserved

Spaghetti Squash & Chicken

Spaghetti Squash with Chicken,Olives and Sauce
Spaghetti Squash with Chicken,Olives and Sauce








Spaghetti Squash & Chicken & Olives

Spaghetti squash is one of my favorite vegetables.  So easy to prepare and so versatile.  It makes a great side dish and does so well as a star in a main course.  

The other day I forgot to take something out for dinner, so it was improvisation time.  A spaghetti squash, some left over spaghetti sauce a great start , a few more ingredients and it was dinner time.

I always keep large cans of chicken breast in the pantry, it’s just as good as tuna in my pasta salad: . Add some olives and a few more items and voila a great dinner spaghetti squash & chicken with olives.

Ingredients for spaghetti squash & chicken & olives

This recipe serves two:

  1. 1 spaghetti squash, halved and seeded
  2. 1 13 oz can chicken breast or 1 baked fresh chicken breast
  3. 1 can green olives pitted(no pimento added)
  4. 2 cups approximate spaghetti sauce
  5. 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  6. salt and pepper to taste
  7. Parmesan cheese for topping (Optional)
  8. 2 Tbs butter melted

Directions for spaghetti squash & chicken & olives

Preheat oven to 400º

Take the squash and cut it in half lengthwise.  You’ll need a large knife, and cut carefully, as squash have rather hard skins.  Scoop out the seeds, baste the inside with the melted butter and lightly salt and pepper .  Place the squash halves onto a sheet pan and bake skin side up for 30-45 minutes until the squash is cooked, check by piercing the squash on the cut side, with a fork and if the fork goes easily through to the skin it’s done.

While the squash is cooking prepare the sauce. put all the ingredients except the cheese into a sauce pan and slowly bring up to heat.

When the squash is cooked take it out of the oven and let cool slightly.  Holding with a towel or cloth scrape the strands of squash out of the shell either into a bowl or directly onto a plate.

Just before serving add the mozzarella cheese to the sauce and stir to combine.  Spoon over the squash.  Optional sprinkle with Parmesan.


Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Silpat AE420295-07 Premium Non-Stick Silicone Baking Mat, Half Sheet Size, 11-5/8-Inch x 16-1/2-Inch
Zwilling J.A. Henckels Twin Four Star 10-Inch Stainless-Steel Chef’s Knife


The Official Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester








Ok it’s chicken with spaghetti sauce that’s a winner.  The other stuff not so much, but I could eat around the green things.  Chicken is always 5 paws.








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