Zucchini Pancakes

Zucchini Pancakes  with apple sauce and sour cream
Zucchini Pancakes with apple sauce and sour cream








Zucchini Pancakes

Zucchini pancakes make a great side dish and also a quite filling main course for dinner or brunch.

It’s also a great way to use up extra zucchini, and at the same time make a “meatless” meal that will please everyone.

As with many recipes, feel free to make it your own by adding herbs or spices that you think will go well with the zucchini.


Ingredients for Zucchini Pancakes

  1. 4-5 grated zucchini= approx 2 cups
  2. 5-6 scallions white and light green parts thinly sliced
  3. ¼ cup grated cheese (your choice= Parmesan, Swiss etc.)
  4. 2 tsps each salt and pepper
  5. 1 Tbs baking powder
  6. ½ cup all purpose flour + more if necessary
  7. 2 eggs
  8. Vegetable oil for frying, approx ¼ cup

Directions for Zucchini Pancakes

This recipe will make about 8-10 pancakes.

Grated the zucchini and pat excess moisture off on paper towels. 

In a large frying pan place a thin layer of oil and bring up to a medium heat.

Combine the zucchini, scallions, cheese, salt and pepper, baking powder, flour and eggs in a bowl and stir to combine thoroughly until you have a moist not wet batter.  If the mixture seems too wet and more flour a tablespoon at a time until the mixture is correct       (you will know it’s correct when there is no actual liquid forming at the base of the mixture).

Carefully spoon the batter into the heated pan forming pancakes approximately 3-4 inches in diameter.  Cook cook until the bottoms are golden brown and then carefully flip and cook until done.

Drain the cooked pancakes on a paper towel for a minute and if necessary place cooked pancakes on a heated platter in a warm oven to hold while you continue to make more pancakes.

Serve with sour cream or crème fraîche, apple sauce or soft cheese like ricotta.

Here are a few items to help make this item:
Cuisinart Elite FP-12DCN Collection 2.0 12-Cup Food Processor, Die Cast
Cuisinart 733-30H Chef’s Classic Stainless 5-1/2-Quart Saute Pan with Helper Handle and Cover
Culina 13″ Splatter Screen, Stainless Steel Fine Mesh. Resting Feet


The Official Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester







OK, it’s obvious that I’m not an Irish Wolf Hound, so I really don’t care for “green” food, but this was surprisingly tasty.  So I give it 5 paws







Zucchini Pancakes

Zucchini Pancakes


  1. 4-5 grated zucchini= approx 2 cups
  2. 5-6 scallions white and light green parts thinly sliced
  3. ¼ cup grated cheese (your choice= Parmesan, Swiss etc.)
  4. 2 tsps each salt and pepper
  5. 1 Tbs baking powder
  6. ½ cup all purpose flour + more if necessary
  7. 2 eggs
  8. Vegetable oil for frying, approx ¼ cup


  1. This recipe will make about 8-10 pancakes.
  2. Grated the zucchini and pat excess moisture off on paper towels.
  3. In a large frying pan place a thin layer of oil and bring up to a medium heat.
  4. Combine the zucchini, scallions, cheese, salt and pepper, baking powder, flour and eggs in a bowl and stir to combine thoroughly until you have a moist not wet batter. If the mixture seems too wet and more flour a tablespoon at a time until the mixture is correct (you will know it's correct when there is no actual liquid forming at the base of the mixture).
  5. Carefully spoon the batter into the heated pan forming pancakes approximately 3-4 inches in diameter. Cook cook until the bottoms are golden brown and then carefully flip and cook until done.
  6. Drain the cooked pancakes on a paper towel for a minute and if necessary place cooked pancakes on a heated platter in a warm oven to hold while you continue to make more pancakes.
  7. Serve with sour cream or crème fraîche, apple sauce or soft cheese like ricotta.
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Baked Stuffed Zucchini

Baked Stuffed Zucchini
Baked Stuffed Zucchini









Baked Stuffed Zucchini

This is another of my “use whatever you’ve got” type of recipes.  The opportunities to substitute different items are endless.  For this recipe I use two zucchini which will serve four as a vegetable side dish.

Ingredients for Baked Stuffed Zucchini

  1. 2 Zucchini cut in half lengthwise, pith carefully scooped out
  2. 2 cloves of garlic
  3. 4-6  Tbs finely diced onion (approximate)
  4. 1 tsp dried tarragon
  5. 2 tsp dried parsley
  6. salt & pepper to taste
  7. 4-6 Tbs finely diced aged Cheddar Cheese
  8. Panko bread crumbs
  9. 2 Tbs butter (more if needed)
  10. 1 -2 tsp pepper flakes (Optional)
  11. 1 Tbs Olive oil

Directions for Baked Stuffed Zucchini

 Cut the zucchini in half lengthwise and with a melon baller or scoop, carefully scoop out the interior pith of the zucchini being sure not to rupture the sides or bottom.








 Chop the scooped out zucchini pith into a very fine dice and with the 2 Tbs’s of butter saute with the onion, garlic,tarragon, parsley ,pepper flakes and salt and pepper until the onions are softened. If the mixture looks too dry add more butter, the mixture should look very moist.

Once the onion, zucchini mixture is softened ,empty into a bowl to cool, add the cheddar and stir to combine.  Add enough panko to lightly bind the mixture, it should still be slightly loose and moist.  Carefully spoon the mixture back into the zucchini shells.  Put into an oven proof dish and just before baking sprinkle a little Panko over the top and drizzle lightly with Olive oil.  Bake for about 45 minutes in a 350° oven.


Here are a few items to help with this recipe:
Le Creuset Heritage Stoneware 1-Quart Oval Au Gratin Dish, Cherry
Cuisinart DLC-2ABC Mini-Prep Plus Food Processor, Brushed Chrome



The Official Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester









Oh well another of those vegetable things, not exactly my cup of tea, so I will  put rule #1 into force “No tasty no ratey”.  However I did hear raves from the table so I guess it could possibly rate 5 paws, but I would have added a touch of beef!







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Ratatouille Casserole



Ratatouille Casserole

My exuberance of buying vegetables often results in the necessity to come up with instant menus to keep from allowing some of my purchases from ending up on the garbage heap.

Ratatouille Casserole is  one of those recipes.  My beautiful little zucchini were about to go south so I needed to use them.  I have always loved ratatouille, the name , saying it, eating it (if it’s done right), the greasy slop you find in some restaurants is rather unappetizing.  This eliminates some of the problems and makes a great main course.

Ingredients for Ratatouille Casserole

  1. 5 or 6 small zucchini ends trimmed not peeled
  2. 5 or 6 baby eggplant ends trimmed not peeled
  3. flour for dusting
  4. 1 red pepper
  5. 1 large red onion or 1 small red onion and 1 shallot
  6. 4 or 5 cloves of garlic
  7. 1 large tomato
  8. cooking oil for frying
  9. olive oil for sauteing
  10. salt & pepper
  11. 4 to 5 oz fresh mozzarella (thinly sliced)
  12. cooked rice
  13. sour cream

Slice the zucchini in about 1/4 inch thick slices long ways. Slice the eggplant into 1/4 inch rounds.  Dust the slices lightly with flour and fry in oil until lightly golden brown.  set onto a paper towel to drain.

Thinly slice the pepper and begin to saute in the olive oil.  Thin slice the onion and garlic and add to peppers.  When they begin to soften cube the tomato and add, cook until tomatoes begin to give up their juices.

In a 9 X 9 inch pan place a layer of zucchini, put a layer of eggplant on top of that.  Place a few slices of the mozzarella on top of that and cover with half of the onion pepper tomato mixture.  Repeat the process.

layers of zucchini eggplant and mozzarella
layers of zucchini eggplant and mozzarella
cover with tomato mixture
cover with tomato mixture
ratatouille casserole
ratatouille casserole



















Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 400° for about 30 minutes.  Remove the foil and bake for about 10 minutes more.  While it’s baking make the rice.  Serve with a dollop of sour cream.


 Here are few ideas to make baking this easier:

Le Creuset Stoneware 1-1/2-Quart 9-Inch Square Baking Dish, Cherry
Zwilling J.A. Henckels Twin Four Star Series 7-Inch Santoku Knife with Hollow Edge
Butcher Block Cutting Board – Edge Grain – Walnut, Cherry, & Rock Maple






Ratatouille Casserole

Ratatouille Casserole


  1. 5 or 6 small zucchini ends trimmed not peeled
  2. 5 or 6 baby eggplant ends trimmed not peeled
  3. flour for dusting
  4. 1 red pepper
  5. 1 large red onion or 1 small red onion and 1 shallot
  6. 4 or 5 cloves of garlic
  7. 1 large tomato
  8. cooking oil for frying
  9. olive oil for sauteing
  10. salt & pepper
  11. 4 to 5 oz fresh mozzarella (thinly sliced)
  12. cooked rice
  13. sour cream


  1. Slice the zucchini in about 1/4 inch thick slices long ways. Slice the eggplant into 1/4 inch rounds. Dust the slices lightly with flour and fry in oil until lightly golden brown. set onto a paper towel to drain.
  2. Thinly slice the pepper and begin to saute in the olive oil. Thin slice the onion and garlic and add to peppers. When they begin to soften cube the tomato and add, cook until tomatoes begin to give up their juices.
  3. In a 9 X 9 inch pan place a layer of zucchini, put a layer of eggplant on top of that. Place a few slices of the mozzarella on top of that and cover with half of the onion pepper tomato mixture. Repeat the process.
  4. Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 400° for about 30 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for about 10 minutes more. While it's baking make the rice. Serve with a dollop of sour cream.
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