Onion and Potato Tart


Onion and Potato Tart
Onion and Potato Tart








Onion and Potato Tart

Call it onion and potato tart, or quiche or pie!  I don’t care what you call it, just call it delicious.

This makes a great dinner  served with a light salad.  It’s filling and satisfying.  I used one red onion and one medium to large sweet onion.  White or red skinned potatoes work best with this recipe.

 Ingredients for Onion and Potato Tart

  1. ¼  pound bacon cubed
  2. 2 medium onions
  3. 1-2 medium white or yellow potatoes
  4. 4 whole eggs
  5. 1 cup of heavy cream or ½ & ½
  6. 2 tsps crushed rosemary
  7. salt & pepper to taste
  8. 2 Tbs dried parsley
  9. Sour cream or crème fraîche (optional)

Ingredients for Tart Crust

  1. 1¼ cups all purpose flour
  2. 1/3 cup chilled shortening
  3. 1/3 cup (5 1/3 Tbs) chilled butter
  4. 3-4 Tbs ice cold water

Directions for Onion and Potato Tart

For the crust:

In a mixer or food processor place the flour, butter and shortening, and pulse a few times to combine.  Then with the mixer running add the tablespoons of water one at a time until the dough forms.

Place the dough onto a floured surface and form into a flattened out ball, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate to rest for about one hour or more.

When you’re ready to make the tart, roll out the dough to fit a 9 inch tart or pie pan.  Place into the pan and then fill with the prepared ingredients.

For the Tart Ingredients:

In a saute pan cook the bacon until crisp.  Remove the bacon bits to a paper towel to drain and reserve the bacon fat.

In the saute pan with the bacon fat cook the onions on medium heat until they begin to brown ( about 25 minutes).  Once browned remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly

When you are ready to make the tart, roll out the dough and place into the tart pan.

Preheat your oven to 400º.

Now slice the potatoes 1/8 of an in thick and arrange in a single overlapping layer.

potatoes in a single overlapping layer with herbs and bacon
potatoes in a single overlapping layer with herbs and bacon







 Lightly salt and pepper the potatoes, take about 1/3 of the rosemary and with the parsley sprinkle over the potatoes, and finish with the bacon bits.

Now spoon the cooked onions in an even layer over the potatoes.

In a bowl combine the eggs, cream and remaining rosemary and whisk well.  Pour custard mixture over the onion layer and allow to settle.

pour in the custard and allow to settle
pour in the custard and allow to settle







Place in the center of the oven and bake for about 45 minutes until the crust is browned and the potatoes are cooked.

Remove from the oven and allow to rest for 10 minutes.

Serve warm with sour cream or Creme Fraiche on the side.


Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Attmu Non-Stick 9 Inches Removable Loose Bottom Quiche Pan, Tart Pie Pan, 2 Pack
Cuisinart 722-36H Chef’s Classic Stainless 14-Inch Open Skillet with Helper Handle




Official Taste Tester
Official Taste Tester







Another BORING vegetable thing with lots of onions so I can’t even taste!  ENOUGH ALREADY!  Let’s get back to the Surf, the turf, the moo,baa and oink specials.



Onion and Potato Tart

Onion and Potato Tart


  1. ¼ pound bacon cubed
  2. 2 medium onions
  3. 1-2 medium white or yellow potatoes
  4. 4 whole eggs
  5. 1 cup of heavy cream or ½ & ½
  6. 2 tsps crushed rosemary
  7. salt & pepper to taste
  8. 2 Tbs dried parsley
  9. Sour cream or crème fraîche (optional)
  10. For the Crust:
  11. 1¼ cups all purpose flour
  12. 1/3 cup chilled shortening
  13. 1/3 cup (5 1/3 Tbs) chilled butter
  14. 3-4 Tbs ice cold water


  1. For the crust:
  2. In a mixer or food processor place the flour, butter and shortening, and pulse a few times to combine. Then with the mixer running add the tablespoons of water one at a time until the dough forms.
  3. Place the dough onto a floured surface and form into a flattened out ball, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate to rest for about one hour more.
  4. When you're ready to bake roll out the dough to fit a 9 inch tart or pie pan. Place into the pan and then fill with the prepared ingredients.
  5. For the Tart Ingredients:
  6. In a saute pan cook the bacon until crisp. Remove the bacon bits to a paper towel to drain and reserve the bacon fat.
  7. In the saute pan with the bacon fat cook the onions on medium heat until they begin to brown ( about 25 minutes).
  8. When you are ready to cook roll out the dough and place into the tart pan.
  9. Preheat your oven to 400º.
  10. Now slice the potatoes 1/8 of an in thick and arrange in a single overlapping layer.
  11. Lightly salt and pepper the potatoes, take about 1/3 of the rosemary and with the parsley sprinkle over the potatoes, and finish with the bacon bits.
  12. Now spoon the cooked onions in an even layer over the potatoes.
  13. In a bowl combine the eggs, cream and remaining rosemary and whisk well. Pour custard mixture over the onion layer and allow to settle.
  14. Place in the center of the oven and bake for about 45 minutes until the crust is browned and the potatoes are cooked.
  15. Remove from the oven and allow to rest for 10 minutes.
  16. Serve warm with sour cream or Creme Fraiche on the side.
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Onion Tart


onion tart
onion tart







Onion Tart

Great deal at the green grocer on onions so I bought a bunch and needed a great recipe to use some of them up.  This one is a winner.   These onions were extremely watery so it took quite a bit of time to sweat them so I changed up the recipe a little and it came out just fine.

 Ingredients for Onion Tart

  1. 1½-2 pounds Spanish Onions thinly sliced
  2. ¼ pound bacon diced
  3. 2 cloves garlic finely chopped
  4. 2tbs butter + 1 tbs olive oil
  5. 2 eggs
  6. ½ cup half & half or heavy cream
  7. salt & pepper
  8. ¼ tsp nutmeg
  9. ¼ flaky pie dough recipe*see note below

Directions for Onion Tart

Take ¼ of the flaky pie dough recipe and roll it out to fit a 9 inch pie plate or a 10 inch tart pan with removable sides.  If using the tart pan the cooking time will be slightly less.  Place the dough in the pan and crimp edges.

In a small pan on medium heat cook the bacon until bacon is crisp and most of the fat is rendered.

In a pan big enough to accommodate all the onions place the 2 tbs of butter and the 1 table of olive oil, melt.  Add the onions and cook on medium to medium high heat until all the moisture is evaporated and the onions begin to brown.  When the onions begin to brown add the bacon and bacon fat and mix well and continue to cook until the onions are a golden color.  Remove from the heat and stir in the garlic.  Set aside to cool slightly.

Preheat oven to 350°

In a large bowl place the cream and the eggs and salt & pepper and nutmeg and mix thoroughly.  Add the onion mixture and combine.  Pour into the prepared pie shell and bake for 30 – 45 minutes until eggs are set and the mixture is firm and the edges of the tart shell are nicely browned.

Serve hot, with sour cream or creme fraîche on the side.

*You can acces the flaky Pie dough recipe by using the “search my site” bow on the front page or by this link http://www.rantsravesandrecipes.com/flaky-pie-crust/

Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Chicago Metallic Non-Stick 10-Inch Quiche Pan
All-Clad 5112 Stainless 12-Inch Fry Pan
Duralex Lys Stackable 10-Piece Bowl Set





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