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Easy as Pie – Apple Cake

 Easy Apple Cake
Easy Apple Cake







Easy Apple Cake

Quite a while ago while surfing through the vast world-wide web for an apple cake recipe , I found a couple of recipes for cakes with pie filling that were very simple.  I had my reservations about the outcome, but today being out of brown sugar for crumble topping and Nabisco wafer and heavy cream for a birthday cake, my options were diminishing quickly so I thought it was a good time to try.

This recipe is just about fool-proof and probably works best in a bundt pan but the possibilities are endless with so many variations of fruit and cake batter.

For this recipe I used two 8″ cake pans and a little buttercream frosting to glue the two together with powdered sugar on top so that it looked more like a birthday layer cake, but it will work fine in a 9 X 13 , bundt or angel food pan as well.  Just watch the cake for timing.

Ingredients for “Easy as Pie” Apple Cake

  1. 1 box Cake mix- for this recipe white or yellow
  2. 1 can Pie filling-for this recipe Apple
  3. 3 large eggs

Directions for “Easy as Pie” Apple Cake

Preheat oven to 350º.

Grease and flour cake pan.

In a large bowl combine the cake mix, pie filling and eggs and fold the mixture together until all the ingredients are combined and a moist batter is formed.

Pour into cake pan and set in the center of the oven for approximately 30 minutes.  Cake will be done when a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

Remove to a wire rack to cool slightly, then turn the cake carefully out of the pan.









 Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Nordic Ware Platinum Collection Original 10- to 15-Cup Bundt Pan
Kaiser Bakeware Kaisercast 9-1/2-Inch Classic Bundtform Pan
Wallace Hotel Pie Server and Cake Knife Set


The Official Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester







Apples, sweet cake, a little frosting how can you possibly go wrong 5 paws.





Easy as Pie Apple Cake


  1. 1 box Cake mix- for this recipe white or yellow
  2. 1 can Pie filling-for this recipe Apple
  3. 3 large eggs


  1. Preheat oven to 350º.
  2. Grease and flour cake pan.
  3. In a large bowl combine the cake mix, pie filling and eggs and fold the mixture together until all the ingredients are combined and a moist batter is formed.
  4. Pour into cake pan and set in the center of the oven for approximatley 30 minutes. Cake will be done when a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  5. Remove to a wire rack to cool slightly, then turn the cake carefully out of the pan.
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Recipe Name
Easy as Pie Apple Cake
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Preparation Time
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Average Rating
5 Based on 3 Review(s)