Eggs in a Frame
In making shirred eggs in a bacon nest I was left with slices of bread with rather large holes in the center. I could diced them up and make bread crumbs or croutons, but what fun would that be? So I decided to make a family favorite – eggs in a frame, a rather simple piece of French toast with an egg in the center.
Ingredients for Eggs in a Frame
- 4 slices bread with hole cut in the center about 2″+ inches diameter
- 4 eggs
- salt and pepper
- 1 Tbsp butter for pan
For the batter:
- 2 eggs well beaten
- 4 Tbsp cream
- 1/4 tsp vanilla
- 1/4 tsp salt and pepper each
- 2 dashes Tabassco
Directions for Eggs in a Frame
In a shallow bowl or pan mix the batter completely. If you begin to run out add a little more cream, and if it looks like you will need a lot more add another egg.
In a frying pan melt the Tbsp of butter place the bread in the batter soaking both sides and put into the frying pan on medium heat, break an egg into the center of each piece of bread and lightly salt and pepper the egg.
Cook until the bottom of the egg sets and the bread is lightly browned, about 3 – 5 minutes. Once browned carefully flip (over easy) and season the other side of the egg with the salt and pepper. cook until bread is lightly browned then carefully flip onto a plate.
Serve the Eggs in a frame with Jam or powdered sugar or Maple syrup, and bacon or sausage on the side.
Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Ateco 14402 2.5-Inch Round Stainless Steel Cutter
T-fal E9380884 Professional Total Nonstick Oven Safe Thermo-Spot Heat Indicator 12-Inch Fry Pan / Saute Pan Dishwasher Safe Cookware
Kitchen Supply 8 Inch Square Glass Baking Dish
OXO Good Grips Silicone Flexible Pancake Turner

Eggs and Eggy bread, maple syrup and they even throw in some bacon, I’m in! 5 paws
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