Grilled Roast Beef Sandwich
Oh so many years ago, the restaurant I worked in, served a thick slice of roast beef opened face as a lunch item. The remaining beef, that was cooked to a rare state, was used the next day in a sandwich sliced paper thin and heated. It was one of the best sellers and was one of my favorite lunch time dishes.
Ingredients for Grilled Roast Beef Sandwich
- 2 slices of bread (a good sourdough prefered)
- 4-6 very thinly sliced pieces of rare roast beef
- 2 slices of sharp cheddar cheese
- salt & pepper to taste
- Horseradish sauce or mayonnaise
- 2 Tbs room temperature butter
- 2 Tbs Parmesan cheese
Directions for Grilled Roast Beef Sandwich
Place a saute pan with lid or a stove griddle, large enough to hold the sandwiches you are going to make, on the stove top and pre heat to a medium heat.
Take the two pieces of bread and spread the butter on one side of each piece.
Turn the bread over and on the other side spread the Horseradish sauce or mayonnaise. Lightly salt and pepper over the sauce. Place a slice of the cheddar on each piece of bread. Now layer the roast beef on top of one of the pieces of bread and top with the other .
Sprinkle the Parmesan on a large dish and press both buttered sides of the sandwich into the cheese so that it adheres to the butter.
Place in the pan, cover and allow to heat up for a few minutes. Once the one side is browned flip the sandwich, recover and allow the other side to brown up being careful not to burn the Parmesan cheese and bread.
When the cheddar is melted remove from the pan and slice and serve.
Horseradish Sauce
This is a great condiment to serve with Prime Rib or any roast beef, and is fairly easy to make.
Take about 1/2 a container of sour cream (12 oz) and add a good prepared horseradish to it stirring gently and tasting as you go. My version uses about a whole jar of horseradish and is very spicy, but keep tasting to adjust to your own liking. Remember though if making well in advance it will increase in strength as it sits.
Here are a few items to help make this item:
Anolon Advanced Hard Anodized Nonstick 18-by-10-Inch Double Burner Griddle
MIU France Large Stainless Steel Slotted Turner, 3 by 11-Inch
Ateco Natural Wood Small Sized Spatula, 4.5 Inch Blade

Without the spicy sauce (too spicy for a S.A.P.P.) the rest was just truly tasty a 5 paws effort!
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