Halloween Ice Box Cake
OK so the first thing that is obvious is that, as an example, my Halloween Ice Box Cake shows I am not the greatest cake and cookie decorator.
The Nabisco “Famous” chocolate wafers ice box cake has been one of my favorites for years, the only differences between this and the original is the construction is slightly different and of course the color.
The recipe on the box says you can make it 4 hours before serving, but it is really best if left to sit in the refrigerator overnight so that the cream can be absorbed by the wafers and they swell and soften.
Ingredients for Halloween Ice Box Cake
- 1 Box Nabisco Famous chocolate Wafers
- 2 cups Heavy Cream Whipped Stiffed
- ¼ cup XXX sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla
- Orange food coloring
- Chocolate icing*
*Unless you plan to make cookies or use icing for something else a store-bought tube will be easier to manage
Directions for Halloween Ice Box Cake
Whip the Cream, sugar vanilla and as much food coloring, as needed to obtain your desired color, to stiff peaks.
On a cake plate or serving platter place 7 wafers flat, rough side down on the platter with a dot of icing on the rough side to adhere them lightly to the plate. Place one in the center of the plate and arrange the others in a circle around it. Place about a tablespoon of whipped cream on each. Now place a second layer of wafers over these so that they overlap the edges of the first layerand spread the whipped cream out from each wafer, it will end up being slightly larger than the first. Place whipped cream on them and then arrange a layer similar to the first on top, Continue to layer the wafers until all are used. Finish by covering the top and sides with the remaining whipped cream, decorate with the icing.

Here are a few items to help make this recipe:

This one has chocolate which I can’t have so rule #1 applies No Tasty No ratey!
- The recipe on the box says you can make it 4 hours before serving, but it is really best if left to sit in the refrigerator overnight so that the cream can be absorbed by the wafers and they swell and soften.
- 1 Box Nabisco Famous chocolate Wafers
- 2 cups Heavy Cream Whipped Stiffed
- ¼ cup XXX sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla
- Orange food coloring
- Chocolate icing*
- *Unless you plan to make cookies or use icing for something else a store-bought tube will be easier to manage
- Whip the Cream, sugar vanilla and as much food coloring, as needed to obtain your desired color, to stiff peaks.
- On a cake plate or serving platter place 7 wafers flat, rough side down on the platter with a dot of icing on the rough side to adhere them lightly to the plate. Place one in the center of the plate and arrange the others in a circle around it. Place about a tablespoon of whipped cream on each. Now place a second layer of wafers over these so that they overlap the edges of the first layerand spread the whipped cream out from each wafer, it will end up being slightly larger than the first. Place whipped cream on them and then arrange a layer similar to the first on top, Continue to layer the wafers until all are used. Finish by covering the top and sides with the remaining whipped cream, decorate with the icing.

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