Pot Roast
I’ve seen a lot of recipes on the internet for pot roast, most of them are a simple braising recipe. My version comes from my great-grandmother, a 100 year old recipe that never fails to please. Her rule was low, slow and dry.
The cut of meat is certainly up to you. Any number of “chuck” cuts, brisket or bottom round will produce a pretty good pot roast. We always used a bottom round- slightly tougher but if cooked properly it will be tender and delicious and it does hold up a little better making it easier to slice in the end.
You do need a good cast iron or enameled pot with a tight fitting lid .
For the gravy, a simple roux and the pan drippings will produce a wonderful sauce, if color is a concern you can always add a little “kitchen bouquet” to darken the gravy- don’t worry the gravy police won’t knock down your door if you do!
Ingredients for Pot Roast
- Bottom round 6-8#’s
- 2-3 Tbsps cooking oil
- 3-4 Tbsps flour
- salt and pepper
- 3-4 stalks of celery
- 1 medium onion quatered
- 2 carrots roughly chopped
- Salt & Pepper
For the Gravy
- 2-3 Tbsps butter melted
- 2-3 Tbsps flour
- 1-2 cups cooking liquid.
Directions for Pot Roast
Preheat oven to 325º.
Lightly salt and pepper all sides of the roast. Sprinkle the flour over all sides and gently rub in to meat.
Heat the oil in the cast iron pot to medium to medium high and once up to heat sear the roast on all sides. Once browned remove the roast to a plate pour off most of the excess oil.
Place the celery onion and carrot in the bottom of the pot to form a “vegetable rack” for the meat to sit on.
Place the roast on top of the vegetables place the lid on and put in the slow oven for about 3 hours. Using a baster or ladle remove excess liquid every 30- 45 minutes and reserve the liquid for the gravy.
Once done, remove the roast to a plate strain out the pot getting all the remaining juices and discard the cooked vegetables. Prepare the gravy in any way you are comfortable with by skimming the fat off the top and either by reducing or adding a roux.
Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Le Creuset Signature Enameled Cast-Iron 5-1/2-Quart Round French (Dutch) Oven: http://amzn.to/1UbKRHb
Baster: http://amzn.to/1UbKOLA

Now this is more like it! Beef fit for a Princess and the gravy and carrots were not to be ignored! I would be happy with this every day! 5 paws!
- Ingredients for Pot Roast
- Bottom round 6-8#'s
- 2-3 Tbsps cooking oil
- 3-4 Tbsps flour
- salt and pepper
- 3-4 stalks of celery
- 1 medium onion quatered
- 2 carrots roughly chopped
- Salt & Pepper
- For the Gravy
- 2-3 Tbsps butter melted
- 2-3 Tbsps flour
- 1-2 cups cooking liquid.
- Preheat oven to 325º.
- Lightly salt and peper all sides of the roast. sprinkle the flour over all sides and gently rub in to meat.
- Heat the oil in the cast iron pot to medium to medium high and once up to heat sear the roast on all sides. Once browned remove the roast to a plate pour off most of the excess oil.
- Place the celery onion and carrot in the bottom of the pot to form a "vegetable rack" for the meat to sit on.
- Place the roast on top of the vegetables place the lid on and put in the slow oven for about 3 hours. Using a baster or ladle remove excess liquid every30- 45 minutes and reserve the liquid for the gravy.
- Once done, remove the roast to a plate strain out the pot getting all the remaining juices and discard the cooked vegetables. Prepare the gravy in any way you are comfortable with by skiming the fat off thwe top and either by reducing or adding a roux.

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