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Ratatouille Casserole



Ratatouille Casserole

My exuberance of buying vegetables often results in the necessity to come up with instant menus to keep from allowing some of my purchases from ending up on the garbage heap.

Ratatouille Casserole is  one of those recipes.  My beautiful little zucchini were about to go south so I needed to use them.  I have always loved ratatouille, the name , saying it, eating it (if it’s done right), the greasy slop you find in some restaurants is rather unappetizing.  This eliminates some of the problems and makes a great main course.

Ingredients for Ratatouille Casserole

  1. 5 or 6 small zucchini ends trimmed not peeled
  2. 5 or 6 baby eggplant ends trimmed not peeled
  3. flour for dusting
  4. 1 red pepper
  5. 1 large red onion or 1 small red onion and 1 shallot
  6. 4 or 5 cloves of garlic
  7. 1 large tomato
  8. cooking oil for frying
  9. olive oil for sauteing
  10. salt & pepper
  11. 4 to 5 oz fresh mozzarella (thinly sliced)
  12. cooked rice
  13. sour cream

Slice the zucchini in about 1/4 inch thick slices long ways. Slice the eggplant into 1/4 inch rounds.  Dust the slices lightly with flour and fry in oil until lightly golden brown.  set onto a paper towel to drain.

Thinly slice the pepper and begin to saute in the olive oil.  Thin slice the onion and garlic and add to peppers.  When they begin to soften cube the tomato and add, cook until tomatoes begin to give up their juices.

In a 9 X 9 inch pan place a layer of zucchini, put a layer of eggplant on top of that.  Place a few slices of the mozzarella on top of that and cover with half of the onion pepper tomato mixture.  Repeat the process.

layers of zucchini eggplant and mozzarella
layers of zucchini eggplant and mozzarella
cover with tomato mixture
cover with tomato mixture
ratatouille casserole
ratatouille casserole



















Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 400° for about 30 minutes.  Remove the foil and bake for about 10 minutes more.  While it’s baking make the rice.  Serve with a dollop of sour cream.


 Here are few ideas to make baking this easier:

Le Creuset Stoneware 1-1/2-Quart 9-Inch Square Baking Dish, Cherry
Zwilling J.A. Henckels Twin Four Star Series 7-Inch Santoku Knife with Hollow Edge
Butcher Block Cutting Board – Edge Grain – Walnut, Cherry, & Rock Maple






Ratatouille Casserole


  1. 5 or 6 small zucchini ends trimmed not peeled
  2. 5 or 6 baby eggplant ends trimmed not peeled
  3. flour for dusting
  4. 1 red pepper
  5. 1 large red onion or 1 small red onion and 1 shallot
  6. 4 or 5 cloves of garlic
  7. 1 large tomato
  8. cooking oil for frying
  9. olive oil for sauteing
  10. salt & pepper
  11. 4 to 5 oz fresh mozzarella (thinly sliced)
  12. cooked rice
  13. sour cream


  1. Slice the zucchini in about 1/4 inch thick slices long ways. Slice the eggplant into 1/4 inch rounds. Dust the slices lightly with flour and fry in oil until lightly golden brown. set onto a paper towel to drain.
  2. Thinly slice the pepper and begin to saute in the olive oil. Thin slice the onion and garlic and add to peppers. When they begin to soften cube the tomato and add, cook until tomatoes begin to give up their juices.
  3. In a 9 X 9 inch pan place a layer of zucchini, put a layer of eggplant on top of that. Place a few slices of the mozzarella on top of that and cover with half of the onion pepper tomato mixture. Repeat the process.
  4. Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 400° for about 30 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for about 10 minutes more. While it's baking make the rice. Serve with a dollop of sour cream.
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Recipe Name
Ratatouille Casserole
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Average Rating
5 Based on 2 Review(s)