Rice Balls with Clams

clam rice ball with tomato sauce
clam rice ball with tomato sauce







Rice Ball with Clams

We had a bunch of left over rice from a couple of dinners and I needed to come up with some idea to use it up.  A little experimenting and I came up with this recipe and it came out quite nice.

Ingredients for rice Balls with Clams

  1. Approximately 3 cups cooked rice, cooled
  2. 4 small cans chopped clams with juice
  3. 3 eggs
  4. ½ cup Parmesan cheese
  5. 1 shallot finely chopped
  6. salt & pepper to taste
  7. ¼ – ½ cup flavored bread crumbs
  8. 1 cup additional bread crumbs to bread balls
  9. oil for frying

Directions for Rice Balls with Clams

Place the first 7 ingredients into a bowl and mix thoroughly.  If too wet add more bread crumbs, if too dry add a little water or milk.  Mixture needs to be moist enough to hold when formed into a ball.

Wet your hands and roll mixture into small balls the size of golf balls or smaller.  After forming a ball roll the ball into the additional bread crumbs to cover completely.  Once all the balls are breaded place into hot oil and fry until hot and golden brown.  Can be served with a variety of sauces; tomato, cocktail, or tartar.  Serve with lemon wedges or extra Parmesan.


Fry rice balls until golden brown
Fry rice balls until golden brown








Here are a few items to help with this recipe:
Farberware Classic Nonstick Polished Aluminum Deep Skillet, 12-Inch
WMF Profi Plus Fine Mesh Strainer



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