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Rum & Coke Pound Cake

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Rum & Coke Pound Cake


I’m always on the look out for inspiration and ideas to create new recipes, and strolling around the net the other day while researching pound cake I came across a number of different recipes that utilized carbonated beverage of various flavors into the cake.  Certainly an interesting addition but one I was hesitant to try.  Then the other night while watching the TV I saw a commercial for rum and the idea began to work itself out in my head.  I think the addition of rum to any number of recipes is a bonus  The result is this recipe for rum & coke pound cake, which came out rather well, even if it’s not a traditional pound cake which was simply one pound each of sugar, butter, flour and eggs.  Slightly less ingredients here, but still a moist dense cake.

Ingredients for Rum & Coke Pound Cake

  1. 1 1/2 cups softened butter
  2. 3 cups of granulated sugar
  3. 5 eggs
  4. 3 cups all purpose flour
  5. 1 pinch salt mixed into the flour
  6. 1 cup minus 2 Tbs Coca-Cola
  7. 2 Tbs Myers Dark Rum

Directions for Rum & Coke Pound Cake 

Preheat oven to 325° with the rack in the center of the oven.

Take a bundt pan and lightly grease and flour the inside.* (see notes at end of directions)

In the bowl of the mixer place the softened butter and cream it until it is light and fluffy.Then with the mixer on medium slowly add the sugar about a 1/2 cup at a time allowing each addition to completely combine before adding the next.

add sugar about 1/2 cup at a time
add sugar about 1/2 cup at a time









Once the sugar is combined begin to add the eggs one at a time waiting until each egg is completely combined before adding the next. **


add the eggs one at a time
add the eggs one at a time








Once the eggs have been added, with the mixer on low begin to add the flour and continue to mix until all the flour is incorporated.  Now slowly add the rum and coke, allowing the liquid to thoroughly combine between each addition.  Pour into the prepared bundt pan

Place into the center rack of the oven and bake for about 70 minutes until a tooth pick stuck into the center of the cake comes out clean.  Invert on a wire rack and remove from pan and allow to completely cool .


*  You can also use 2 5 X 9 inch loaf pans, dividing the batter equally between both, and adjusting the cooking time to 90 minutes or less

** All the big shot cooks on the telly break their eggs directly into the items they are cooking.  It’s a good way to get shell into the product.  A better way is to break each egg one at a time into a small bowl to insure you don’t have any shell broken off.  You can then add them one at a time to the recipe or for larger quantities of eggs put them into a larger bowl to hold.








Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Nordic Ware Pro Cast Original Bundt Pan, 12 Cup
Anchor Hocking 5 Inch x 9 Inch Glass Loaf Dish
KitchenAid KP26M1XNP5 Professional 600 Series 6-Quart Stand Mixer, Nickel Pearl


The Official Taste Tester









I have to admit, YES I am a cake junkie so there’s really no surprise that I give this one 5 paws.




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Rum & Coke Pound Cake
a moist delicious dessert
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Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
1 hr
Total Time
1 hr 30 min
Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
1 hr
Total Time
1 hr 30 min
  1. 1 1/2 cups softened butter
  2. 3 cups of granulated sugar
  3. 5 eggs
  4. 3 cups all purpose flour
  5. 1 pinch salt mixed into the flour
  6. 1 cup minus 2 Tbs Coca-Cola
  7. 2 Tbs Myers Dark Rum
  1. Preheat oven to 325° with the rack in the center of the oven.
  2. Take a bundt pan and lightly grease and flour the inside.* (see notes at end of directions)
  3. In the bowl of the mixer place the softened butter and cream it until it is light and fluffy.Then with the mixer on medium slowly add the sugar about a 1/2 cup at a time allowing each addition to completely combine before adding the next.
  4. Once the sugar is combined begin to add the eggs one at a time waiting until each egg is completely combined before adding the next. **
  5. Once the eggs have been added, with the mixer on low begin to add the flour and continue to mix until all the flour is incorporated. Now slowly add the rum and coke, allowing the liquid to thoroughly combine between each addition.
  6. Place into the center rack of the oven and bake for about 70 minutes until a tooth pick stuck into the center of the cake comes out clean. Invert on a wire rack and remove from pan and allow to completely cool
  1. * You can also use 2 5 X 9 inch loaf pans, dividing the batter equally between both, and adjusting the cooking time to 90 minutes or less
  2. ** All the big shot cooks on the telly break their eggs directly into the items they are cooking. Its a good way to get shell into the product. A better way is to break each egg one at a time into a small bowl to insure you don't have any shell broken off. You can then add them one at a time to the recipe or for larger quantities of eggs put them into a larger bowl to hold.
Rants Raves and Recipes
Recipe Name
Rum & Coke Pound Cake
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5 Based on 3 Review(s)