Baked Spaghetti & Egg

Baked Spaghetti & Egg
Baked Spaghetti & Egg









Baked Spaghetti & Egg

Well we have moved all our stuff in, now just a matter of cleaning and figuring out where to put everything.  Not an easy task at all.

The simplest menu of late has been spaghetti and sauce, quick, easy but it does leave a lot of left overs especially if you have the same thing a few days in a row.  So here was a quick fix to that problem, baked spaghetti & egg.  Mix it all together add an egg for a little more protein and voilà another quick dinner and only one pan to clean up.


Take enough left over spaghetti and sauce to feed the number of people you are serving, and mix in a bowl.  Place the mixture into a baking dish, sprinkle a little Parmesan over the top cover with foil, and bake at 350° for about 30-45 minutes until hot.  When heated using a spoon create slight indentations in the spaghetti and crack an egg per person into the well.  Leaving the foil off bake in the upper third of the oven for up to 15 minutes until the eggs set and cooked to your liking.


Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Pyrex Easy Grab 5 piece set includes, 1-ea 3 quart oblong with blueplastic cover, 2 quart oblong, 8 inch square, 1.5 quart loaf dish
Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls – Set of 4


The Official                       Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester










Spaghetti and an Egg a very nice S.A.P. (Scottish American Princess) dinner,even if it’s leftovers. 5 paws






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Piperade with Baked Egg

Piperade with Baked Egg
Piperade with Baked Egg








After a busy day of running around I needed a throw together dinner.  A quick look in the refrigerator and on the counter and I had it!  Piperade with a baked egg!   It’s easy it’s delicious, nutritious, healthy, wholesome, just an abundance of superlatives of taste.

The recipe is open to debate as to the true ingredients and there are any number of variations of this Basque speciality.  My simple version is a light dinner for two.  Since this was also a throw together it didn’t follow the true line of a piperade in that; to be authentic it should have had green peppers and espelette peppers.

Ingredients for Piperade

  1. 1 large red pepper thinly sliced
  2. 1/2 large sweet onion or 1 medium thinly sliced
  3. 2 tomatoes diced
  4. 4 cloves of garlic sliced
  5. 1 tbs dried oregano
  6. salt & pepper
  7. 2 eggs
  8. 2 Tbs 1/2 & 1/2
  9. olive oil for sauteing

Directions for Piperade with Baked Egg

Preheat oven to 350°

Thinly slice the onion garlic and the pepper.  In a saute pan with a little olive oil begin to cook the onion and garlic on medium high heat.  Once they have softened 3 – 5 minutes add the peppers, oregano, salt and pepper and saute until they are softened ( about 10 minutes)

Divide into two suitable baking dishes (mine is a 5″, approximately 2 cup).  With a spoon make a small indentation in the center of the mixture and break 1 egg into each.  Pour 1 tbs 1/2 & 1/2 over each egg  and finish with a little more salt and pepper on top of the egg.  Bake for about 20 minutes or until eggs are set.

Serve crusty French Bread as an accompaniment.


Here’s a few items to assist with this recipe:
CorningWare Creations 12-Ounce Au Gratin Dish, Amethyst
HIC 14-ounce Porcelain Souffle 4.5-inch Set of 6


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Please help us keep our blog going by letting your friends know we’re here and by checking out the links on our front page.


 copyright © rantsravesandrecipes 2013 all rights reserved






Baked Egg in a Crepe Basket

crepe basket and baked egg with herbs


Baked Egg in a Crepe Basket

Here’s another idea for Sunday before Valentine’s Day Brunch:

Items that would be helpful:

  1. non stick crepe pan 6″ preferable, you can use a small fry pan well buttered. if your crepe pan is larger (mine is 8 1/2″) use a larger ramekin
  2. 3″ ramekins or a muffin pan
  3. Herbs De Provence ( mixture of thyme, basil,savory,fennel seeds, and lavender flowers).
  4. Dijon Mustard ( Optional)

Baked Egg Crepe Basket Recipe:


crepe batter:

  1. 2 eggs
  2. 1 cup milk
  3. 1/3 cup water
  4. 1cup flour
  5. pinch of salt
  6. 2 Tbsp melted butter

Put all crepe batter ingredients in to a blender and run until completely blended ( run for 10 seconds then scrap down sides and bottom to make sure all the flour is combined, then run for another 10 seconds or so.)  Put into a container in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, it can be left overnight.You can make the crepes in advance just wrap in plastic wrap and put in a air tight storage bag and refrigerate.

Set oven at 350°

  1.  1 egg per crepe
  2. Herbs De Provence
  3. Shredded Cheddar Cheese (you can use any cheese you like).
  4. tsp 1/2 & 1/2
  5. table salt and pepper
  6. Dijon Mustard
  7. 1 crepe

To make the crepes heat the pan over medium high heat once hot take off heat and add batter, twirling pan to coat entire bottom of pan, do not use too much batter, once the pan is coated put back o heat and let cook until underside of crepe bgins to brown.  Using a spatula lift crepe and turn over and cook another 15- 20 seconds.  Remove to a towel and continue with another crepe.  Once crepes are made continue with recipe.

baked egg crepe asket

Place crepe into ramekin getting bottom as flat as possible and pleat edges around sides.  Place a small amount of cheese in bottom of crepe place egg on top, add about a tsp of 1/2 & 1/2, salt and pepper and a pinch of herbs on top of egg, place another layer of cheese on top of egg and a pinch more herbs on top .  Place ramekin in center of oven and cook 18 to 22 minutes till whites are set and cheese melted, top with a small spoonful of Dijon Mustard.  You could also skip the cheese topping and when it comes out of the oven top it with hollandaise .

copyright © rants raves and recipes 2013

here’s  an item that could make this recipe a little easier
Trudeau X-Large Silicone Muffin Cups, Set of 4
Wilton 13 Inch Angled Spatula With Black Handle
Paderno World Cuisine 7-1/2-Inch Long T Shaped Wooden Crepe Spreader,5- Pack
Norpro 9.5 inch Nonstick Breakfast/Crepe Pan