Hamburgers a La Francaise
Whenever I’m looking for something new to try I always go through all my Julia Child’s books first. I didn’t feel like BBQing so I was looking for something different, this recipe certainly fit the bill.
This recipe comes from Julia Childs book The French Chef Cookbook. It’s relatively easy and certainly will change your view of the lowly hamburger,(watch out Mickey D).
Julia paired it with a red Bordelaise sauce that is a great accompaniment for burgers and steaks, and don’t omit the marrow. Our take was to add a bun bottom to help soak up the sauce!
Ingredients for Hamburger a la Francaise & Sauce Bordelaise
Hamburger a la francaise
- ¾ cup finely minced onions cooked in 2 Tbs butter
- 1½ lbs. ground beef (lean)
- 2 Tbs beef marrow or softened butter
- 1½ tsp salt
- ¼ tsp pepper
- ¼ tsp thyme
- 1 egg
- All purpose flour and 1 Tbs butter for cooking
Sauce Bordelaise
- 4 inch piece of beef marrow
- 2 Tbs minced shallot
- 1 tsp cornstarch blended with
- 1 Tsp water
- ½ cup good beef stock or bouillon
- 2/3 cup good red wine
- salt & pepper to taste
- 2 Tbs minced parsley
Directions for Hamburger a la Francaise
In a food processor finely mince the onions, then cook until softened and allow to cool.
In a bowl place the ground beef, marrow or butter,salt & pepper, thyme and egg, and cooled onion and mix all until fully combined.
Form into 4-6 patties, refrigerate until ready to use.
Take the marrow out of about a 4″ long piece of bone, and cut into pieces.
In a sauce pan bring the bouillon and wine to a boil then take off the heat add the marrow and set aside.
Lightly flour the patties and cook in a large sauté pan until done.
Drain the excess grease from the pan, stir in the shallots. Cook for a few minutes.
Drain the marrow out of the wine and reserve,then add the liquid to the pan and boil rapidly making sure to scrap up the fond or browned bits on the pan.
Reduce the liquid to about ½ a cup remove from the heat and add the cornstarch, stir lightly and allow to simmer for about a minute the taste adjust the seasoning, then add the marrow and parsley and pour over the meat.
Although the original recipe calls for the burger to be served plain, I liked to add a bun bottom that makes a great way to sop up the extra sauce.
Here are a few items to help make this recipe: Large Sauté pan Silicone Whisks

It’s Beef, no need to add anything else, but the sauce was tasty, always a 5 paw effort for meat.
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