




Some say sauerbraten is the national dish of Germany.  I’m not so sure about that but it is one of my favorites.  “Sauerbraten” meaning pickled beef is one of a great line of recipes from Germany.  This one can be cooked in either the oven or your Crock Pot.  Be forewarned it’s not a quick throw together meal, the meat needs to marinade for 24 – 48 hours and cook for 4 -7 hours, depending on the method you chose and the size of the roast.

I was l lucky to have a tri-tip steak in the freezer from our last top sirloin I cut up.  We were almost unpacked and ready to start a new life in our little cottage when we got a surprise house warming gift around midnight the other night.  A more than slightly inebriated driver ran across our front lawn taking out our fence and knocking our lovely shade tree over onto our neighbors driveway (one way to get to meet the neighbors).  So instead of a shopping trip to our new grocery store and the green grocers we had to spend the money on tree removal.

So although the cubbards are getting bare we still can manage a few interesting meals.


Marinade for Sauerbraten

This is one of those recipes that you can certainly experiment with.  If you like it more sour, you can leave it to marinade for a longer period of time.

This recipe calls for the marinade to be around 24 hours and is not refrigerated.  If you are going to leave it more than 48 hours it should go into the refrigerator after 24 hours.

  1. 1 qt water brought to a boil
  2. ½ – 1½ cups vinegar (depending on how sour you want to make it)
  3. 8 peppercorns
  4. 2 thick slices of lemon
  5. 4 whole cloves
  6. 2 bay leaves
  7. 6 juniper berries
  8. 1 onion thinly sliced
  9. 1 5-6 pound bottom round
  10. 1 clove garlic thinly sliced into slivers

Once the water is brought to a boil add all the rest of the ingredients and let the mixture steep for 10 – 15 minutes while it cools slightly.

While the marinade is cooling take the meat and piercing it with a knife insert the slivers of garlic all over the meat.  Place the meat into an earthen ware jar with a lid and cover it with the sliced onions and pour the marinade over all.  If the meat is not completely submerged you will have to turn it one or twice a day. Put the lid on, cover the lid tightly with aluminium foil and seal with string or a large rubber band. Let sit on the counter for 24 hours.

Ingredients for Sauerbraten

  1. 1 piece bottom round marinaded
  2. 2 -3 Tbs flour
  3. 2 Tbs fat or vegetable oil
  4. 1 onion diced
  5. 2 cups strained marinade
  6. 3 Tbs stewed tomtoes
  7. 2 tsp paprika
  8. 2 Tbs brown sugar
  9. 6 – 12 ginger snaps
  10. 1 Tbs gravy master (optional)
  11. 2 Tbs butter and flour to form a roux (optional)
  12. Sour cream (optional)

Directions for Sauerbraten*

Preheat oven to 350°

Remove the meat from the marinade and pat dry with a cloth or paper towel.  Strain the liquid and reserve 2 cups.

Lightly flour all sides of the meat and in a dutch oven with a tight fitting lid add a little fat or vegetable oil and brown the meat.

 Once browned remove to a plate and add the onion and cooked until softened.  Once softened add the marinade, the tomato, paprika,and brown sugar and the meat and cover and put into a 350° for 3½ – 4 hours until edges of meat fall off easily.

When the meat is cooked remove it to a warm plate and cover with foil.  Strain the cooking liquid into a sauce pot and add the gingersnaps and bring up to a light boil stirring until thickened.

If you feel the sauce is not thick enough use the roux.  If you feel the sauce is too light in color add the gravy master.  You can also add sour cream or creme fraiche for a different flavor.

Serve with Kartoffelkloesse or mashed potatoes, and red cabbage.


*This recipe can also be made in the slow cooker, follow all directions but allow at least 6 – 8 hours for the meat to cook.










Here are a few items to help make this recipe:
Le Creuset Signature Enameled Cast-Iron 5-1/2-Quart Round French Oven, Cherry
Dansk Kobenstyle White 6 QT Casserole
Zwilling J.A. Henckels Four Star II 2-Piece Carving Set



The Official                       Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester









Oktoberfest could become my favorite time of year, I’ll give it 5 paws.



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