Chicken Piccata

Chicken Piccata


Chicken Piccata

Chicken Piccata one of my favorite to make chicken dishes, it’s so easy and with just a few simple ingredients makes a great dinner.

Ingredients for Chicken Piccata for four

  1. 2 Chicken breasts – butterflied and pounded thin cut in halves
  2. 2 Tbs butter
  3. 2 Tbs olive oil
  4. 2 Tbs capers
  5. salt
  6. pepper
  7. ½ cup chicken stock
  8. juice of 1 lemon
  9. thin slices of lemon ( appox 2 for each serving).
  10. seasoned flour

Directions for Chicken  Piccata

Take each chicken breast and butterfly and cut completely in half and place each piece between 2 pieces of waxed paper or plastic wrap and pound thin.

In a large saute pan place the butter, olive oil, capers and lemon juice and bring up to a medium high heat.

Dredge the chicken breast through the seasoned flour and add to the saute pan. Do not crowd the chicken cook in batches place the lemon slices in the pan with the chicken and brown both on all sides    Place on a plate in a warm oven to keep hot while cooking the rest of the chicken.  Once all the chicken is cooked bring the heat up to high and add the chicken stock and deglaze the pan, and reduce the sauce by about ½ until it thickens, put chicken back in for a few moments to reheat and coat with sauce.  Place on a plate, spoon sauce over top of the chicken and top with lemon slices.


here are few items to help make this recipe
Cuisinart 733-30H Chef’s Classic Stainless 5-1/2-Quart Saute Pan with Helper Handle and Cover
Zwilling J.A. Henckels Twin Four Star II 5-1/2-Inch Stainless-Steel Boning Knife
SCI/Scandicrafts, Inc. Citrus Juicer.


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Chicken with Tomato Vinaigrette

Chicken with Tomato vinaigrette


Chicken with Tomato Vinaigrette

For a change of pace try this recipe for a delicious tangy chicken.

For the chicken with tomato vinaigrette you can use either a whole chicken cut into pieces or chicken breasts bone in or out (if you do use boned chicken breast you’ll have to adjust the cooking time).


  1. Whole Chicken cut into pieces lightly salt and peppered
  2. 4 tbs butter
  3. 2 or 3 tbs olive oil or any cooking oil
  4. 8 peeled whole cloves of garlic
  5. 1 cup cider vinegar
  6. 1 cup chicken stock
  7. 2 tbs tomato paste
  8. 1-14 oz can diced tomatoes plain
  9. 1 bay leaf
  10. sprig of thyme or 1/2 tsp dried thyme
  11. 1/2 cup chopped parsley

Recipe Directions

Lightly salt and pepper the chicken and add 2 tbs of the butter and the olive oil to a saute pan large enough to accommodate all the pieces and lightly brown the chicken on both sides. When brown set aside and keep warm.

Lower heat to medium and add the garlic to the pan and cook lightly about 5 minutes.  Deglaze the pan with the cider vinegar and let it reduce by half.  Put chicken back into pan and add the chicken stock, tomato paste, the can of tomatoes with juice, bay leaf and thyme.  Set to a simmer and cook uncovered until chicken is done probably about 20- 30 minutes {if using boned breasts cooking time will be much less}.

When chicken is done remove to a plate and keep warm, turn heat up on pan and reduce the sauce by about a 1/3.  Once reduced, strain the liquid pressing to get all the flavor out of the mixture add the remaining butter and whisk in to give the sauce a gloss.  Pour sauce over chicken and sprinkle some parley over all, taking left over sauce to a gravy boat to place on the table.

Here something to make cooking a little easier!
Cuisinart 733-30H Chef’s Classic Stainless 5-1/2-Quart Saute Pan with Helper Handle and Cover
OXO Good Grips Nylon Balloon Whisk


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Please help us keep our blog going by letting your friends know we’re here and by checking out the links on our front page.


 copyright © rantsravesandrecipes 2013 all rights reserved


The Official Taste Tester
The Official Taste Tester








Well he was on the right track, but I’m not a “sour pup”,skip the sauce and just bring on the chicken.  3 paws for the effort 


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